1 N-VAR 皮肤;皮 Your skin is the natural covering of your body. 皮肤;皮
His skin is clear and smooth.
There are three major types of skin cancer.
主要有 3 种皮肤癌。
The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.
SYN complexion, colouring, skin tone, cuticle
2 N-VAR 兽皮;皮毛 An animal skin is skin which has been removed from a dead animal. Skins are used to make things such as coats and rugs. 兽皮;皮毛
SYN hide, fleece, pelt, fell
3 N-VAR 果皮;(蔬菜的)表皮 The skin of a fruit or vegetable is its outer layer or covering. 果皮;(蔬菜的)表皮
4 N-SING (液体表面凝结的)薄皮,薄层 If a skin forms on the surface of a liquid, a thin, fairly solid layer forms on it. (液体表面凝结的)薄皮,薄层
SYN film, coating, coat, membrane
5 VERB 剥去(死动物)的皮;将…去皮 If you skin a dead animal, you remove its skin. 剥去(死动物)的皮;将…去皮
6 See also: -skinned banana skin
7 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 吓得魂飞魄散;大吃一惊 If something makes you jump out of your skin, it surprises or shocks you very much. 吓得魂飞魄散;大吃一惊
8 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 保命;保全自己;设法摆脱困境 If you try to save your own skin or save your skin, you try to save yourself from something dangerous or unpleasant. 保命;保全自己;设法摆脱困境
9 PHRASE 侥幸;好不容易才;险些儿没有 If you do something by the skin of your teeth, you just manage to do it. 侥幸;好不容易才;险些儿没有
10 PHRASE 脸皮厚;不计较面子 If you say that someone has a thick skin, you mean that they are able to listen to criticism about themselves without becoming offended. 脸皮厚;不计较面子
11 to make your skin crawl→see: crawl
Word Partnership | Use skin with: |
ADJ. | dark skin, dry skin, fair skin, oily skin, pale skin, sensitive skin, smooth skin, soft skin 1 |
N. | skin and bones, skin cancer, skin cells, skin colour (or colour of someone's skin ), skin cream, skin problems, skin type 1 leopard skin 2 |
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