COMB in ADJ [ADJ n] (通常与 five,six,seven 等数词连用构成形容词)表示“…位数的” -figure combines with a number, usually 'five', 'six', or 'seven', to form adjectives which say how many figures are in a number. These adjectives usually describe a large amount of money. For example, a six-figure sum is between 100,000 and 999,999. (通常与 five,six,seven 等数词连用构成形容词)表示“…位数的”
Columbia Pictures paid him a six-figure sum for the film rights.
哥伦比亚影业公司付给他一笔 6 位数的电影版权费。
...collectors' pieces which change hands for five-figure sums.
以总额达 5 位数的价格易手的珍藏品