1 VERB 与…作斗争;坚决反对 If you fight something unpleasant, you try in a determined way to prevent it or stop it happening. 与…作斗争;坚决反对
Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty. [VERB noun]
More units to fight forest fires are planned. [VERB noun]
I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice. [VERB + against]
SYN oppose, campaign against, dispute, contest
2 VERB (为…而)斗争;努力争取 If you fight for something, you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it. (为…而)斗争;努力争取
Our Government should be fighting for an end to food subsidies. [VERB + for]
Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition. [VERB for noun]
I told him how we had fought to hold on to the company. [VERB to-infinitive]
The team has fought its way to the cup final. [VERB noun prep./adv.]
SYN strive, battle, push, struggle
3 V-RECIP 进行(战斗、对抗等);打(仗) If an army or group fights a battle with another army or group, they oppose each other with weapons. You can also say that two armies or groups fight a battle. 进行(战斗、对抗等);打(仗)
The two men fought a battle over land and water rights. [V n + over/for]
In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them. [VERB noun + with]
The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights. [V n + for/over]
SYN battle, assault, combat, war with
4 VERB 参战;作战;打仗 If a person or army fights in a battle or a war, they take part in it. 参战;作战;打仗
He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans. [VERB]
If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country. [VERB + for]
My father did leave his university to fight the Germans. [VERB noun]
Last month rebels fought their way into the capital. [VERB noun prep./adv.]
SYN take the field, cross swords, taste battle
6 V-RECIP (和…)打架;(同…)打斗;(与…)搏斗 If one person fights with another, or fights them, the two people hit or kick each other because they want to hurt each other. You can also say that two people fight . (和…)打架;(同…)打斗;(与…)搏斗
As a child she fought with her younger sister. [VERB + with]
I did fight him, I punched him but it was like hitting a wall. [VERB noun]
He wrenched the crutch from Jacob, who didn't fight him for it. [VERB noun + for]
I refuse to act that way when my kids fight. [VERB]
You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other. [VERB noun]
SYN brawl, clash, scrap [informal] , exchange blows
7 V-RECIP (和…)争吵;(同…)吵架;(与…)争论 If one person fights with another, or fights them, they have an angry disagreement or quarrel. You can also say that two people fight . (和…)争吵;(同…)吵架;(与…)争论 [informal] [Also VERB]
She was always arguing with him and fighting with him. [VERB + with]
Gwendolen started fighting her teachers. [VERB noun]
Mostly, they fight about paying bills. [V + about/over]
SYN quarrel, argue, row, dispute
8 VERB 努力辟出(一条路) If you fight your way to a place, you move towards it with great difficulty, for example because there are a lot of people or obstacles in your way. 努力辟出(一条路)
9 N-COUNT (一场)拳击赛 A fight is a boxing match. (一场)拳击赛
This was Hyer's last fight, for no one else challenged him.
The referee stopped the fight.
SYN match, contest, bout, battle
10 VERB 参加拳击赛 To fight means to take part in a boxing match. 参加拳击赛
In a few hours' time one of the world's most famous boxers will be fighting in Britain for the first time. [VERB]
I'd like to fight him because he's undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him. [VERB noun]
I'd like to fight him for the title. [VERB noun + for]
SYN box, spar with, exchange blows with
11 VERB 参加(竞选以期获胜) If you fight an election, you are a candidate in the election and try to win it. 参加(竞选以期获胜)
The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million to fight the election campaign. [VERB noun]
该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近 4,000 万英镑用于竞选。
12 N-COUNT [usually singular] 竞赛;比赛 You can use fight to refer to a contest such as an election or a sports match. 竞赛;比赛 [journalism]
13 VERB 进行(诉讼、辩护等);打(官司) If you fight a case or a court action, you make a legal case against someone in a very determined way, or you put forward a defence when a legal case is made against you. 进行(诉讼、辩护等);打(官司)
Watkins sued the Army and fought his case in various courts for 10 years. [VERB noun]
沃特金斯将军队诉至法院,并在各级法庭打了 10 年的官司。
The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress. [VERB noun]
SYN oppose, face, take on, resist
14 N-UNCOUNT 斗志;战斗力 Fight is the desire or ability to keep fighting. 斗志;战斗力
SYN resistance, spirit, pluck, militancy
15 VERB 努力克制,竭力抑制(感情或欲望) If you fight an emotion or desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it, but do not always succeed. 努力克制,竭力抑制(感情或欲望)
I desperately fought the urge to giggle. [VERB noun]
He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he'd given up awhile ago.
He fought to be patient with her. [VERB to-infinitive]
SYN repress, control, check, master
16 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 呼吸困难;吸气费力 If you fight for breath, you try to breathe but find it very difficult. 呼吸困难;吸气费力
17 PHRASE [usually PHRASE after verb] 经过努力才能成功的机会;需要极大好运的机会 If you have a fighting chance of doing or achieving something, it is possible that you will do or achieve it, but only if you make a great effort or are very lucky. 经过努力才能成功的机会;需要极大好运的机会
When they didn't shoot at me right away, I figured I had a fighting chance.
18 PHRASE 非常健康;极为强健 If you describe someone as fighting fit, you are emphasizing that they are very fit or healthy. 非常健康;极为强健 [British, emphasis]
19 PHRASE 与死神殊死搏斗;奋力求生 Someone who is fighting for their life is making a great effort to stay alive, either when they are being physically attacked or when they are very ill. 与死神殊死搏斗;奋力求生
20 to fight a losing battle→see: battle
21 fight to the finish→see: finish
22 . to fight fire with fire→see: fire
23 . to fight shy→see: shy
24 PHRASAL VERB 奋力抵抗;反击;还击 If you fight back against someone or something that is attacking or harming you, you resist them actively or attack them. 奋力抵抗;反击;还击
25 PHRASAL VERB 强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望) If you fight back an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it. 强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望)
26 PHRASAL VERB 强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望) If you fight down an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it. 强忍住,抑制住(感情或欲望)
Meg fought down the desire to run.
He looked at the telephone, fighting down first the despair and then the anger.
27 PHRASAL VERB 抵抗,战胜(疾病);摆脱(不快) If you fight off something, for example an illness or an unpleasant feeling, you succeed in getting rid of it and in not letting it overcome you. 抵抗,战胜(疾病);摆脱(不快)
Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.
28 PHRASAL VERB 击退;打退 If you fight off someone who has attacked you, you fight with them, and succeed in making them go away or stop attacking you. 击退;打退
29 PHR-V-RECIP 在…上一争高下;通过比出胜负解决 If two people or groups fight something out, they fight or argue until one of them wins. 在…上一争高下;通过比出胜负解决
Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out.
Malcolm continued to fight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.
Phrasal verbs: - fight backfight downfight offfight out
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurus | fight Also look up: |
N. | fist fight 6 argument, disagreement, squabble, tiff 7 |
VERB. | scuffle, squabble, tussle 6 argue, bicker, quarrel 7 |
Word Partnership | Use fight with: |
N. | fight crime, fight fire 1 fight a battle/war, fight an enemy 3 4 |
VERB. | stay and fight 1 2 6 join a fight 1 2 6 12 lose a fight, win a fight 1 2 9 12 break up a fight, have a fight, pick a fight, start a fight 6 |
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