1 PHRASAL VERB 关闭;关上;使停止运转 If you shut off something such as an engine or an electrical item, you turn it off to stop it working. 关闭;关上;使停止运转
2 PHRASAL VERB (通常因沮丧而)躲开他人,不见人,不与人来往 If you shut yourself off, you avoid seeing other people, usually because you are feeling depressed. (通常因沮丧而)躲开他人,不见人,不与人来往
SYN cut off, isolate, detach, separate
3 PHRASAL VERB 切断,停止(…的供应) If an official organization shuts off the supply of something, they no longer send it to the people they supplied in the past. 切断,停止(…的供应) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
SYN block off, stop, halt, arrest