1 PHRASAL VERB (将插头插入插座)给…接通(电源) If you plug a piece of electrical equipment into an electricity supply or if you plug it in, you push its plug into an electric socket so that it can work. (将插头插入插座)给…接通(电源)
They plugged in their tape-recorders. [VERB PREP. noun]
I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in. [VERB noun PREP.]
He took the machine from its bag and plugged it into the wall socket. [VERB noun PREP. noun]
Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply. [VERB noun PREP. noun]
2 PHRASAL VERB 把(某一电器)与(另一电器)连接 If you plug one piece of electrical equipment into another or if you plug it in, you make it work by connecting the two. 把(某一电器)与(另一电器)连接
3 PHRASAL VERB (某一电器以电线或导线)连接(电源),与(另一电器)相接 If one piece of electrical equipment plugs in or plugs into another piece of electrical equipment, it works by being connected by an electrical cord or lead to an electricity supply or to the other piece of equipment. (某一电器以电线或导线)连接(电源),与(另一电器)相接
A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system. [VERB PREP. noun]
They plug into the mains. [VERB PREP. noun]
They've found out where the other speaker plugs in. [VERB PREP.]
4 PHRASAL VERB 将…塞入; 用…堵住 If you plug something into a hole, you push it into the hole. 将…塞入; 用…堵住