

单词 separate
sepərət sepəreɪt ˈsɛpəˌreɪt ˈsɛpərɪt ˈsɛprɪt
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense separates, present participle separating, past tense , past participle separated
The adjective and noun are pronounced /'sepərət/. The verb is pronounced /'sepəreɪt/. 形容词和名词读作 /'sepərət/。动词读作 /'sepəreɪt/
1 ADJ 分开的;单独的;独立的 If one thing is separate from another, there is a barrier, space, or division between them, so that they are clearly two things. 分开的;单独的;独立的
  • Each villa has a separate sitting-room.


  • They are now making plans to form their own separate party.


  • Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones. [+ from]


  • ...establishing Australia's cultural separateness from Britain.


2 ADJ [usually ADJ n] 不同的;各别的 If you refer to separate things, you mean several different things, rather than just one thing. 不同的;各别的
  • Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.


  • Men and women have separate exercise rooms.


  • The authorities say six civilians have been killed in two separate attacks.

    当局声称在两次不相关的袭击中已有 6 名平民丧生。

3 V-RECIP-ERG (使)分开;(使)分离;分割;划分 If you separate people or things that are together, or if they separate, they move apart. (使)分开;(使)分离;分割;划分
  • Police moved in to separate the two groups. [VERB noun]


  • The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt. [VERB noun + from]


  • The front end of the car separated from the rest of the vehicle. [VERB + from]


  • They separated. Stephen returned to the square. [VERB]


  • They're separated from the adult inmates. [be VERB-ed + from]


SYN divide, detach, disconnect, come between
4 V-RECIP-ERG (使)分离;(使)分裂;(使)分开 If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separates from another, the connection between them is ended. (使)分离;(使)分裂;(使)分开 [Also pl-n V]
  • They want to separate teaching from research. [VERB noun + from]


  • It's very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country. [VERB noun]


  • He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada. [VERB + from]


5 V-RECIP 分居 If a couple who are married or living together separate, they decide to live apart. 分居
  • Her parents separated when she was very young. [VERB]


  • Since I separated from my husband I have gone a long way. [VERB + from]


SYN split up, part, divorce, break up
6 VERB 隔开;阻隔;使分开 An object, obstacle, distance, or period of time which separates two people, groups, or things exists between them. 隔开;阻隔;使分开
  • ...the white-railed fence that separated the yard from the paddock. [VERB noun + from]


  • They had undoubtedly made progress in the six years that separated the two periods. [VERB noun]

    毫无疑问,他们在这两个时期相隔的 6 年间取得了进展。

  • Rural communities are widely separated and often small. [V pl-n]


  • But a group of six women and 23 children got separated from the others. [get VERB-ed]

    但是有一群人和其他人走散了,其中有 6 名妇人和23 个孩子。

7 VERB 分辨;区分;区别 If you separate one idea or fact from another, you clearly see or show the difference between them. 分辨;区分;区别
  • It is difficult to separate legend from truth. [VERB noun + from]


  • ...learning how to separate real problems from imaginary illnesses. [VERB noun from noun]


  • It is difficult to separate the two aims. [VERB noun]


Separate out means the same as separate.separate out separate
  • How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?


8 VERB 使得以区分;使获得区别 A quality or factor that separates one thing from another is the reason why the two things are different from each other. 使得以区分;使获得区别
  • The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting. [VERB noun + from]


  • What separates terrorism from other acts of violence? [VERB noun from noun]


SYN distinguish, mark, isolate, single out
9 VERB (两个参赛队或竞争者比分)相隔,相差 If a particular number of points separate two teams or competitors, one of them is winning or has won by that number of points. (两个参赛队或竞争者比分)相隔,相差
  • In the end only three points separated the two teams. [VERB noun]

    最终两队只相差 3 分。

10 V-ERG 分割;划分;拆散 If you separate a group of people or things into smaller elements, or if a group separates, it is divided into smaller elements. 分割;划分;拆散
  • The police wanted to separate them into smaller groups. [VERB noun + into]


  • Wallerstein's work can be separated into three main component themes. [VERB noun into noun]


  • Let's separate into smaller groups. [VERB + into]


  • So all the colours that make up white light are sent in different directions and they separate. [VERB]


SYN disperse, split (up), scatter, disband
Separate out means the same as separate .separate out separate
  • If prepared many hours ahead, the mixture may separate out.


11 N-PLURAL (非覆盖全身的)单件衣服 Separates are clothes such as skirts, trousers, and shirts which cover just the top half or the bottom half of your body. (非覆盖全身的)单件衣服
12 See also: separated 
13 PHRASE 分道扬镳;分手;分路而行 When two or more people who have been together for some time go their separate ways, they go to different places or end their relationship. 分道扬镳;分手;分路而行
  • Sue and her husband decided to go their separate ways.


14 to separate the wheat from the chaff→see: chaff 
Usage Note :
  • Be careful with the spelling of this word.


Phrasal verbs:
separate out
Thesaurusseparate Also look up:

disconnected, divided 1


divide, remove, split 3 4 5

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