1 PHRASAL VERB 分发;散发 If you send out things such as letters or bills, you send them to a large number of people at the same time. 分发;散发 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
SYN dispatch, post, mail, forward
2 PHRASAL VERB 发出(信号、声音、光、热等) To send out a signal, sound, light, or heat means to produce it. 发出(信号、声音、光、热等) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
The crew did not send out any distress signals. [VERB PREP. noun]
Like bats, they send out sound waves and make sense of their environment from the echoes they receive back. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]
SYN emit, broadcast, discharge, radiate
3 PHRASAL VERB 生出,长出(根茎、枝芽等) When a plant sends out roots or shoots, they grow. 生出,长出(根茎、枝芽等) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
SYN produce, bear, yield, bring forth