1 N-COUNT [NOUN to-infinitive] 恳求;请求 A plea is an appeal or request for something, made in an intense or emotional way. 恳求;请求 [journalism]
SYN appeal, request, suit, prayer
2 N-COUNT [usually adjective NOUN, N of adj] (法庭上表明对于被指控的罪名服或不服的)申诉,答辩,抗辩 In a court of law, a person's plea is the answer that they give when they have been charged with a crime, saying whether or not they are guilty of that crime. (法庭上表明对于被指控的罪名服或不服的)申诉,答辩,抗辩
The judge questioned him about his guilty plea.
We will enter a plea of not guilty.
Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through provocation was rejected.
SYN suit, cause, action, allegation
3 N-COUNT 辩由;借口;托词 A plea is a reason which is given, to a court of law or to other people, as an excuse for doing something or for not doing something. 辩由;借口;托词
Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity. [+ of]
Mr Dunn's pleas of poverty are only partly justified.
SYN excuse, claim, defence, explanation
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