1 VERB 说;讲 When you say something, you speak words. 说;讲 [Also VERB to-infinitive]
'I'm sorry,' he said. [VERB with quote]
She said they were very impressed. [VERB that]
Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt. [be VERB-ed to-infinitive]
据说 41 人身负重伤。
I packed and said goodbye to Charlie. [VERB noun + to]
I hope you didn't say anything about Gretchen. [VERB noun]
You didn't say much when you telephoned. [VERB noun]
Did he say where he was going?. [VERB wh]
It doesn't sound exactly orthodox, if I may say so. [V so]
SYN speak, utter, voice, express
2 VERB (表达观点或陈述事实,否定用法表示婉转暗示某事并非事实)说,表示 You use say in expressions such as I would just like to say to introduce what you are actually saying, or to indicate that you are expressing an opinion or admitting a fact. If you state that you can't say something or you wouldn't say something, you are indicating in a polite or indirect way that it is not the case. (表达观点或陈述事实,否定用法表示婉转暗示某事并非事实)说,表示
I would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life. [VERB that]
I have to say I didn't even know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago. [VERB that]
我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局 。
I must say that rather shocked me, too. [VERB that]
Dead? Well, I can't say I'm sorry. [VERB that]
SYN make known, reveal, disclose, divulge
3 VERB 告知;宣称;表明 You can mention the contents of a piece of writing by mentioning what it says or what someone says in it. 告知;宣称;表明
The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country. [VERB that]
Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write. [VERB that]
You can't have one without the other, as the song says. [VERB with quote]
'Highly inflammable,' it says on the spare canister. [VERB with quote]
Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too. [V so]
4 VERB (自己)想,琢磨;自忖 If you say something to yourself, you think it. (自己)想,琢磨;自忖
Perhaps I'm still dreaming, I said to myself. [VERB + to]
'Keep your temper,' he said to himself. [V to pron-refl with quote]
5 N-SING [oft more/some N] 发言权;决定权 If you have a say in something, you have the right to give your opinion and influence decisions relating to it. 发言权;决定权
You can get married at sixteen, and yet you haven't got a say in the running of the country.
你 16 岁时可以结婚,但还无权参与国家政事。
The students wanted more say in the government of the university. [+ in]
SYN influence, power, control, authority
6 VERB (钟、刻度盘、地图等)表明,指向,显示 You indicate the information given by something such as a clock, dial, or map by mentioning what it says . (钟、刻度盘、地图等)表明,指向,显示
SYN read, show, display, indicate
7 VERB 说明;表明;表示 If something says something about a person, situation, or thing, it gives important information about them. 说明;表明;表示
I think that says a lot about how well Seles is playing. [V amount + about]
The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project. [VERB noun + about]
SYN suggest, reveal, express, imply
8 VERB 说明,表示(…有很多优点) If something says a lot for a person or thing, it shows that this person or thing is very good or has a lot of good qualities. 说明,表示(…有很多优点)
It says a lot for him that he has raised his game to the level required. [V amount + for]
It says much for Brookner's skill that the book is sad, but never depressing. [VERB noun + for]
9 VERB (通常表示说话者认为某人优点不多)我会这样形容他们/你可以这样形容他们 You use say in expressions such as I'll say that for them and you can say this for them after or before you mention a good quality that someone has, usually when you think they do not have many good qualities. (通常表示说话者认为某人优点不多)我会这样形容他们/你可以这样形容他们
He's usually smartly-dressed, I'll say that for him. [VERB noun + for]
At the very least, he is devastatingly sure of himself, you can say that. [VERB noun]
10 VERB 假定;假设 You can use say when you want to discuss something that might possibly happen or be true. 假定;假设
Say you could change anything about the world we live in, what would it be? [VERB that]
11 比如说;比方说 You can use say or let's say when you mention something as an example. 比如说;比方说
To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.
Someone with, say, between 300 and 500 acres could be losing thousands of pounds a year.
比方说,拥有 300 到 500 英亩地的人,可能每年会损失几千英镑。
12 EXCLAM (用以唤起注意或表示惊讶、高兴、崇敬)嘿,喂,哎呀,啊 Say is used to attract someone's attention or to express surprise, pleasure, or admiration. (用以唤起注意或表示惊讶、高兴、崇敬)嘿,喂,哎呀,啊 [US, informal]
Usage Note :
Note that, with the verb say, if you want to mention the person who is being addressed, you should use the preposition to. 'What did she say you?' is wrong. 'What did she say to you?' is correct. The verb tell, however, is usually followed by a direct object indicating the person who is being addressed. He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia... What did she tell you? 'What did she tell to you?' is wrong. Say is the most general verb for reporting the words that someone speaks. Tell is used to report information that is given to someone. The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn. Tell can also be used with a 'to' infinitive to report an order or instruction. My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner.
注意,如果要在动词 say 后提及说话的对象,应用介词 to。What did she say you 是错误说法,What did she say to you 是正确的。但是,动词 tell 后通常直接跟表示说话对象的直接宾语。例如:He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia (他告诉艾利森他得了白血病),What did she tell you (她告诉你什么了)。What did she tell to you 是错误说法。say 是引述某人所说话的最常用动词。tell 用于传达提供给某人的信息:The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn (厂家告诉我该产品不含谷物)。tell 也可和带 to 的动词不定式连用表示引述命令或指示:My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner (妈妈让我别说话好好吃饭)。
13 PHRASE 清楚说明事实;明确表达(…的)感觉 If you say that something says it all, you mean that it shows you very clearly the truth about a situation or someone's feelings. 清楚说明事实;明确表达(…的)感觉
14 CONVENTION (表示吃惊)不会吧;(亦常表示事实上并不吃惊)我一点也不觉得奇怪,用不着你说也知道 You can use 'You don't say' to express surprise at what someone has told you. People often use this expression to indicate that in fact they are not surprised. (表示吃惊)不会吧;(亦常表示事实上并不吃惊)我一点也不觉得奇怪,用不着你说也知道 [feelings]
15 PHRASE 值得称道之处;优点 If you say there is a lot to be said for something, you mean you think it has a lot of good qualities or aspects. 值得称道之处;优点
16 PHRASE 寡言少语;不爱说话 If you say that someone doesn't have much to say for himself or herself, you mean that they are not speaking very much during a conversation. 寡言少语;不爱说话 [informal]
17 PHRASE 你有什么好说的;你有什么要辩解的 If someone asks what you have to say for yourself, they are asking what excuse you have for what you have done. 你有什么好说的;你有什么要辩解的
18 PHRASE 显而易见;不言而喻;不用说 If something goes without saying, it is obvious. 显而易见;不言而喻;不用说
19 PHRASE 发表意见;阐述观点 When one of the people or groups involved in a discussion has their say, they give their opinion. 发表意见;阐述观点
20 PHRASE [PHRASE cl] (用于对很多人不喜欢的人或事物表示赞赏时)随你怎么说,不管你怎么认为 You use 'Say what you like about someone or something' when you are about to mention one good thing about a person or thing that many people do not like. (用于对很多人不喜欢的人或事物表示赞赏时)随你怎么说,不管你怎么认为
21 CONVENTION (尤指乐于接受他人刚刚提出要给予自己的东西)我不反对,我没意见,好哇 You use 'I wouldn't say no' to indicate that you would like something, especially something that has just been offered to you. (尤指乐于接受他人刚刚提出要给予自己的东西)我不反对,我没意见,好哇 [informal, formulae]
22 PHRASE [usu PHR adj] (引出语气更重或更极端的描述)即使不说是…,虽不能说… You can use not to say when adding a stronger or more extreme description than the one you have just used. (引出语气更重或更极端的描述)即使不说是…,虽不能说…
To those who've never received million dollar royalty cheques, this sounded a little odd, not to say offensive.
23 PHRASE 更不用说;何况 You use to say nothing of when you mention an additional thing which gives even more strength to the point you are making. 更不用说;何况
Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems.
24 PHRASE [PHRASE with cl/group] (用于提醒别人所说话可能会具有冒犯性或令人震惊)可以说 You use shall I say and shall we say in order to warn someone that what you are about to say may cause offence or be surprising. (用于提醒别人所说话可能会具有冒犯性或令人震惊)可以说
...whereas when you get older you're rather set in your ways, shall I say.
My involvement has not been altogether, shall we say, ethical.
25 PHRASE 亦即;也就是说;换句话说 You use that is to say or that's to say to indicate that you are about to express the same idea more clearly or precisely. 亦即;也就是说;换句话说 [formal]
...territories that were occupied in 1967, that is to say, in the West Bank and Gaza.
26 CONVENTION 让你说对了;一点没错;我同意;说得太对了 You can use 'You can say that again' to express strong agreement with what someone has just said. 让你说对了;一点没错;我同意;说得太对了 [informal, emphasis]
27 to say the least→see: least needless to say→see: needless
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