1 VERB 驾驶;开车 When you drive somewhere, you operate a car or other vehicle and control its movement and direction. 驾驶;开车 [Also VERB n preposition/adverb]
I drove into town and went to a restaurant for dinner. [VERB prep./adv.]
He put the bags in the car and drove off. [VERB prep./adv.]
She never learned to drive. [VERB]
Mrs Glick drove her own car and the girls went in Nancy's convertible. [VERB noun]
SYN go (by car), ride (by car), motor, travel by car
2 VERB 驾车送(人) If you drive someone somewhere, you take them there in a car or other vehicle. 驾车送(人) [Also VERB n]
SYN run, take, transport, bring
3 N-COUNT 驱车旅行;驾车路程 A drive is a journey in a car or other vehicle. 驱车旅行;驾车路程
SYN run, ride, trip, journey
4 N-COUNT (从马路通往住宅的宽阔)车道 A drive is a wide piece of hard ground, or sometimes a private road, that leads from the road to a person's house. (从马路通往住宅的宽阔)车道
5 VERB 驱动;推动 If something drives a machine, it supplies the power that makes it work. 驱动;推动
6 N-UNCOUNT [usually n NOUN] 传动力;驱动力 Drive is the power supplied by the engine to particular wheels in a car or other vehicle to make the vehicle move. 传动力;驱动力
7 N-COUNT (计算机的)驱动器 You use drive to refer to the mechanical part of a computer which reads the data on disks and tapes, or writes data onto them. (计算机的)驱动器
9 VERB 击;打;敲;推 If you drive something such as a nail into something else, you push it in or hammer it in using a lot of effort. 击;打;敲;推
SYN thrust, push, sink, send
10 VERB 用力击(球);用力踢(球) In games such as cricket, golf, or football, if a player drives a ball somewhere, they kick or hit it there with a lot of force. 用力击(球);用力踢(球) [Also VERB n]
11 N-COUNT (高尔夫球的)开球 In golf, a drive is the first stroke a player makes from the tee. (高尔夫球的)开球
12 VERB (风、雨或雪朝某个方向)吹,卷,刮,冲 If the wind, rain, or snow drives in a particular direction, it moves with great force in that direction. (风、雨或雪朝某个方向)吹,卷,刮,冲
SYN lash, pound, beat, hammer
13 VERB 驱赶;驱逐;赶走 If you drive people or animals somewhere, you make them go to or from that place. 驱赶;驱逐;赶走
The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand. [VERB noun prep.]
Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture. [VERB noun prep.]
The smoke also drove mosquitoes away. [VERB noun with adv.]
SYN herd, urge, shepherd, round up
14 VERB 迫使;逼迫 To drive someone into a particular state or situation means to force them into that state or situation. 迫使;逼迫
15 VERB 驱使,迫使(某人做出极端的事情) The desire or feeling that drives a person to do something, especially something extreme, is the desire or feeling that causes them to do it. 驱使,迫使(某人做出极端的事情) [Also VERB n]
More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
Jealousy drives people to murder. [VERB noun + to]
...people who are driven by guilt, resentment and anxiety. [be VERB-ed]
...a man driven by a pathological need to win. [VERB-ed]
SYN force, press, prompt, spur
16 N-UNCOUNT 精力;干劲;冲劲;决心 If you say that someone has drive, you mean they have energy and determination. 精力;干劲;冲劲;决心
SYN initiative, push [informal] , energy, enterprise
17 N-COUNT 强烈欲望;强烈需求;本能需求 A drive is a very strong need or desire in human beings that makes them act in particular ways. 强烈欲望;强烈需求;本能需求
SYN desire, need, urge, instinct
18 N-SING (为达到某目的而进行的)努力,运动 A drive is a special effort made by a group of people for a particular purpose. (为达到某目的而进行的)努力,运动
19 N-IN-NAMES (用于路名)路,大道 Drive is used in the names of some streets. (用于路名)路,大道
21 PHRASE 意欲所指;暗示 If you ask someone what they are driving at, you are asking what they are trying to say or what they are saying indirectly. 意欲所指;暗示
22 to drive a hard bargain→see: bargain
Phrasal verbs: - drive awaydrive offdrive out
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