1 VERB 检查;审查;核实 If you check something such as a piece of information or a document, you make sure that it is correct or satisfactory. 检查;审查;核实
Check the accuracy of everything in your CV.
It's worth checking each item for obvious flaws.
I think there is an age limit, but I'd have to check.
She hadn't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt.
He checked that he had his room key.
I shall need to check with the duty officer.
He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.
...a security check.
3 VERB 检查,查看(以确保一切正常) If you check on someone or something, you make sure they are in a safe or satisfactory condition. 检查,查看(以确保一切正常)
4 VERB 在…上打钩(以确定其正确、已选定或已处理) If you check something that is written on a piece of paper, you put a mark, like a V with the right side extended, next to it to show that something is correct or has been selected or dealt with. 在…上打钩(以确定其正确、已选定或已处理)
Frequently, men who check answer (b) have not actually had the experience of being repeatedly rejected by women.
in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 tick
5 VERB 控制;防止;抑制 To check something, usually something bad, means to stop it from spreading or continuing. 控制;防止;抑制
6 VERB (使)突然停下;(使)停住 If you check yourself or if something checks you, you suddenly stop what you are doing or saying. (使)突然停下;(使)停住
7 VERB 托运(行李) When you check your luggage at an airport, you give it to an official so that it can be taken on to your plane. 托运(行李)
We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops.
You can check your baggage right through to its final destination.
check in your luggage means the same as to
check it.
check in 同 check 8 N-COUNT (餐馆的)结账单 The check in a restaurant is a piece of paper on which the price of your meal is written and which you are given before you pay. (餐馆的)结账单
in BRIT, use 英国英语用 bill
9 CONVENTION (国际象棋中)“将军” In a game of chess, you say check when you are attacking your opponent's king. (国际象棋中)“将军”
10 N-COUNT (通常为两种颜色的)方格图案,格子图案 A pattern of squares, usually of two colours, can be referred to as checks or a check . (通常为两种颜色的)方格图案,格子图案
11 PHRASE 受到控制的;被控制住的 If something or someone is held in check or is kept in check, they are controlled and prevented from becoming too great or powerful. 受到控制的;被控制住的
Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check.
He's found someone with a bit of fight to keep him in check.
12 同 cheque A check is the same as a cheque . 同 cheque
13 See also: double-check rain check spot check
Phrasal verbs: - check incheck offcheck outcheck up
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