1 N-COUNT 狗;犬 A dog is a very common four-legged animal that is often kept by people as a pet or to guard or hunt. There are many different breeds of dog. 狗;犬
SYN hound, canine, bitch, puppy
2 N-COUNT 公狗;犬科雄兽(雄狐、雄狼等) You use dog to refer to a male dog, or to the male of some related species such as wolves or foxes. 公狗;犬科雄兽(雄狐、雄狼等)
3 N-COUNT 卑鄙小人;无赖 If someone calls a man a dog, they strongly disapprove of him. 卑鄙小人;无赖 [disapproval]
4 N-COUNT 蹩脚货;粗制滥造的东西 People use dog to refer to something that they consider unsatisfactory or of poor quality. 蹩脚货;粗制滥造的东西 [US, informal, disapproval]
It's a real dog.
5 N-COUNT 丑女人 If someone, especially a man, calls a woman or girl a dog, they mean that she is very ugly, unattractive, or boring. 丑女人 [informal, offensive, disapproval]
6 VERB 困扰;折磨;纠缠 If problems or injuries dog you, they are with you all the time. 困扰;折磨;纠缠
SYN plague, follow, trouble, haunt
7 N-PLURAL [the NOUN] (带有赌博性质的)赛狗会,跑狗 The dogs is a sports meeting where dogs, especially greyhounds, race and people bet on which dog will win. (带有赌博性质的)赛狗会,跑狗 [British, informal]
8 See also: dogged guide dog prairie dog sniffer dog
9 PHRASE 乱七八糟;一团糟 You describe something as a dog's breakfast or dog's dinner in order to express your disapproval of it, for example because it is very untidy, badly organized, or badly done. 乱七八糟;一团糟 [British, informal, disapproval]
The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really.
Our own Board are going to make a dog's breakfast out of it if we aren't careful.
10 PHRASE 狗咬狗;残酷无情的竞争;自相残杀 You use dog eat dog to express your disapproval of a situation where everyone wants to succeed and is willing to harm other people in order to do so. 狗咬狗;残酷无情的竞争;自相残杀 [disapproval]
11 PHRASE 败落;大不如前 If you say that something is going to the dogs, you mean that it is becoming weaker and worse in quality. 败落;大不如前 [informal, disapproval]
12 PHRASE [let inflects] 别惹麻烦;别多事 If someone tells you to let sleeping dogs lie, they are warning you not to disturb or interfere with a situation, because you are likely to cause trouble and problems. 别惹麻烦;别多事
13 PHRASE [dog inflects] 不接受新事物;不喜欢新玩意儿 If you say 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks', you are suggesting that someone is unwilling to try new ways of doing things. 不接受新事物;不喜欢新玩意儿
Love me, love my dog St. Bernard
The more one gets to know of men, the more one values dogs A. Toussenel
Dogs live with man as courtiers round a monarch, steeped in the flattery of his notice and enriched with sinecures Robert Louis Stevenson The Character of Dogs
The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too Samuel Butler Notebooks
Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends Alexander Pope
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