1PHRASAL VERB (身体) 翻过来If you are lying down and you roll over, you turn your body so that a different part of you is facing upward. (身体) 翻过来
I rolled over and went back to sleep.
2PHRASAL VERB (车出事故而) 翻筋斗If a moving vehicle such as a car rolls over, it turns over many times, usually because it has crashed. (车出事故而) 翻筋斗
Those kinds of vehicles are more likely to roll over than passenger cars.
3PHRASAL VERB 转而听命If you say that someone rolls over, you mean that they stop resisting someone and do what the other person wants them to do. 转而听命
That's why most people and organizations just roll over and give up when they're challenged or attacked by the I.R.S.
4PHRASAL VERB (贷款等) 续期; 展期If you roll over a loan or other financial arrangement, you extend it, for example by adding it to another loan. (贷款等) 续期; 展期 [business]
There seems to be no way to spread out the tax or roll over the cash into another pension plan.
5→see also:rollover
6PHRASAL VERB (彩票等) 滚计In lotteries and similar games, if a jackpot rolls over, it is not won by anyone and the money is added to the prize money for the next lottery. (彩票等) 滚计
If the jackpot isn't won this week it will roll over again to next week.