

单词 dive
dv dv daɪv
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense dives, present participle diving, past tense , past participle dived
American English sometimes uses the form dove, pronounced /dəʊv/, for the past tense. 美国英语中过去式有时用 dove,读作 /dəʊv/
1 VERB 跳水 If you dive into some water, you jump in head-first with your arms held straight above your head. 跳水
  • He tried to escape by diving into a river. [VERB + into]


  • She was standing by a pool, about to dive in.


  • Joanne had just learnt to dive. [VERB]


SYN plunge, drop, jump, pitch
Dive is also a noun.
  • Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the Chasm Bridge.


2 VERB 潜水 If you dive, you go under the surface of the sea or a lake, using special breathing equipment. 潜水
  • Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms. [VERB]


SYN go underwater, snorkel, scuba-dive, submerge
Dive is also a noun.
  • This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.


3 VERB (鸟或动物)俯冲,急速下扑(或下潜) When birds and animals dive, they go quickly downwards, head-first, through the air or through water. (鸟或动物)俯冲,急速下扑(或下潜)
  • ...a pelican which had just dived for a fish. [VERB]


  • The shark dived down and swam under the boat. [VERB adv./prep.]


4 VERB (飞机)俯冲 If an aeroplane dives, it flies or drops down quickly and suddenly. (飞机)俯冲 [Also VERB]
  • He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN nose-dive, fall, plunge, crash
Dive is also a noun.
  • Witnesses said the plane failed to pull out of a dive and smashed down in a field.


5 VERB 冲向;跃向;扑向 If you dive in a particular direction or into a particular place, you jump or move there quickly. 冲向;跃向;扑向
  • They dived into a taxi. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • The cashier dived for cover when a gunman opened fire. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • He would dive under one obstacle, round another, and lightly step over a third. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN leap, jump, dash, bolt
Dive is also a noun.
  • He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim's legs to try to trip him up.


6 VERB 迅速将手伸入(包或容器中) If you dive into a bag or container, you put your hands into it quickly in order to get something out. 迅速将手伸入(包或容器中)
  • She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper. [VERB + into]


7 VERB (股价、利润或数字)暴跌,骤降 If shares, profits, or figures dive, their value falls suddenly and by a large amount. (股价、利润或数字)暴跌,骤降 [journalism]
  • If we cut interest rates, the pound would dive. [VERB]


  • Profits have dived from £7.7m to £7.1m. [V + from/to/by]


  • The shares dived 22p to 338p. [VERB amount]


Dive is also a noun.
  • Stock prices took a dive.


8 N-COUNT 下等酒吧;低级夜总会 If you describe a bar or club as a dive, you mean it is dirty and dark, and not very respectable. 下等酒吧;低级夜总会 [informal, disapproval]
  • We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.


SYN sleazy bar, joint [slang] , nightclub, honky-tonk [US , slang]
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