

单词 rock
rɒk rɑk
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense rocks, present participle rocking, past tense , past participle rocked
1 N-UNCOUNT 岩石;石头 Rock is the hard substance which the Earth is made of. 岩石;石头
  • The hills above the valley are bare rock.


  • A little way below the ridge was an outcrop of rock that made a rough shelter.


2 N-COUNT 巨石;岩石;礁石 A rock is a large piece of rock that sticks up out of the ground or the sea, or that has broken away from a mountain or a cliff. 巨石;岩石;礁石
  • She sat cross-legged on the rock.


  • ...the sound of the sea crashing against the rocks.


  • He and two friends were climbing a rock face when they heard cries for help.


SYN stone, boulder
3 N-COUNT 石块;小石头;石子 A rock is a piece of rock that is small enough for you to pick up. 石块;小石头;石子
  • She bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the trees.


4 V-ERG (使)来回摆动;(使)左右摇晃 When something rocks or when you rock it, it moves slowly and regularly backwards and forwards or from side to side. (使)来回摆动;(使)左右摇晃 [Also VERB]
  • His body rocked from side to side with the train. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • He stood a few moments, rocking back and forwards on his heels. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • She sat on the porch and rocked the baby. [VERB noun]


SYN sway, pitch, swing, reel
5 V-ERG (使)震动;(使)摇晃 If an explosion or an earthquake rocks a building or an area, it causes the building or area to shake. You can also say that the building or area rocks. (使)震动;(使)摇晃 [journalism]
  • Three people were injured yesterday when an explosion rocked one of Britain's best known film studios. [VERB noun]


  • ...a country that's rocked by dozens of earthquakes every year. [VERB noun]


  • As the buildings rocked under heavy shellfire, he took refuge in the cellars.


6 VERB 使震惊;使震动;使不安 If an event or a piece of news rocks a group or society, it shocks them or makes them feel less secure. 使震惊;使震动;使不安 [journalism]
  • His death rocked the fashion business. [VERB noun]


  • ...the latest scandal to rock the monarchy. [VERB noun]


  • Wall Street was rocked by the news and shares fell 4.3 per cent by the end of trading. [VERB noun]


SYN shock, surprise, shake, stun
7 N-UNCOUNT [oft NOUN n] 摇滚乐 Rock is loud music with a strong beat that is usually played and sung by a small group of people using instruments such as electric guitars and drums. 摇滚乐
  • He once told an interviewer that he didn't even like rock music.


  • ...a rock concert.


  • ...famous rock stars.


8 N-UNCOUNT (常在英国海滨城镇销售的)棒形硬糖 Rock is a sweet that is made in long, hard sticks and is often sold in towns by the sea in Britain. (常在英国海滨城镇销售的)棒形硬糖
  • ...a stick of rock.


9 PHRASE [PHRASE after verb] 左右为难;进退维谷 If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action. 左右为难;进退维谷
10 PHRASE 加冰块的 If you have an alcoholic drink such as whisky on the rocks, you have it with ice cubes in it. 加冰块的
  • ...a Scotch on the rocks.


11 PHRASE (婚姻)濒临破裂;(企业等)濒临失败;岌岌可危 If something such as a marriage or a business is on the rocks, it is experiencing very severe difficulties and looks likely to end very soon. (婚姻)濒临破裂;(企业等)濒临失败;岌岌可危
  • She confided to her mother six months ago that her marriage was on the rocks.


  • Our film industry is on the rocks.


12 to rock the boat→see: boat 
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