1 PHRASAL VERB 使分裂;使破裂;使出现分歧 If something rips people apart, it causes them to quarrel or fight so seriously that they can no longer be friends. 使分裂;使破裂;使出现分歧 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n]
2 PHRASAL VERB 公开抨击;公然批判 If you rip someone apart or rip their opinion apart, you criticize them and say publicly that they are wrong, often by laughing at what they have said or done. 公开抨击;公然批判 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n (not pron)]
The presenters and audience ripped her apart, enjoying a laugh at her expense. [VERB noun PREP.]
We are the only paper in Britain that has consistently ripped apart these shallow lies and half-truths. [VERB noun PREP.]