1 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] 全异的;完全不同的;异类的 Disparate things are clearly different from each other in quality or type. 全异的;完全不同的;异类的 [formal]
Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.
The nine republics are immensely disparate in size, culture and wealth.
SYN different, contrasting, unlike, contrary
2 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] 由不同元素组成的 A disparate thing is made up of very different elements. 由不同元素组成的 [formal]
...a very disparate nation, with enormous regional differences.
...their disparate coalition of Southern conservatives and liberals.
Word Link | par ≈ equal : compare, disparate, part |
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