单词 | right | ||||
释义 | right raɪt raɪt Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense rights, present participle righting, past tense , past participle righted
CORRECT, APPROPRIATE,OR ACCEPTABLE 正确的;适当的;可接受的1 ADJ 对的;正确的;符合事实的 If something is right, it is correct and agrees with the facts. 对的;正确的;符合事实的
SYN correct, true, genuine, accurate Right is also an adverb.
2 ADJ [usually ADJ n] 合适的;恰当的;准确的 If you do something in the right way or in the right place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done. 合适的;恰当的;准确的
Right is also an adverb.
3 ADJ [usually ADJ n] (地方)为大众接受的;(人)正派的,体面的 If you say that someone is seen in all the right places or knows all the right people, you mean that they go to places which are socially acceptable or know people who are socially acceptable. (地方)为大众接受的;(人)正派的,体面的
4 ADJ (说法或想法)正确的,对的 If someone is right about something, they are correct in what they say or think about it. (说法或想法)正确的,对的
SYN sane, sound, balanced, normal rightly
5 ADJ (选择、行动、决定等)正确的,最好的,最合适的 If something such as a choice, action, or decision is the right one, it is the best or most suitable one. (选择、行动、决定等)正确的,最好的,最合适的
6 ADJ [verb-link ADJ] 正常的;没有问题的;令人满意的 If something is not right, there is something unsatisfactory about the situation or thing that you are talking about. 正常的;没有问题的;令人满意的
7 ADJ [verb-link ADJ, usually ADJ to-infinitive] 对的;正当的;有理的;合乎道德的 If you think that someone was right to do something, you think that there were good moral reasons why they did it. 对的;正当的;有理的;合乎道德的
8 ADJ [verb-link ADJ] (活动或行动)符合道德的,正当的 Right is used to refer to activities or actions that are considered to be morally good and acceptable. (活动或行动)符合道德的,正当的
SYN just, good, fair, moral Right is also a noun.
9 VERB 扭转;矫正;(使)恢复正常 If you right something or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal or correct state, after being in an undesirable state. 扭转;矫正;(使)恢复正常
10 VERB 纠正;改正;弥补 If you right a wrong, you do something to make up for a mistake or something bad that you did in the past. 纠正;改正;弥补
SYN rectify, settle, fix, correct 11 VERB 把…扶正;把…摆正;(使)直立 If you right something that has fallen or rolled over, or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal upright position. 把…扶正;把…摆正;(使)直立
SYN turn up the right way again, stand upright again, set upright again, turn back over 12 ADJ [ADJ n] (材料)正面的 The right side of a material is the side that is intended to be seen and that faces outwards when it is made into something. (材料)正面的 13 PHRASE 进展顺利;发展正常 If you say that things are going right, you mean that your life or a situation is developing as you intended or expected and you are pleased with it. 进展顺利;发展正常
14 PHRASE (道德上或法律上)有理的,合理的,正确的,说得通的 If someone has behaved in a way which is morally or legally right, you can say that they are in the right. You usually use this expression when the person is involved in an argument or dispute. (道德上或法律上)有理的,合理的,正确的,说得通的
SYN vindicated, right, justified, borne out 15 PHRASE 纠正;更正 If you put something right, you correct something that was wrong or that was causing problems. 纠正;更正
16 PHRASE 白马王子;梦中情人;理想的伴侣 You can use Mr Right ,Miss Right, or Ms Right to talk about the kind of person that you imagine you will marry or spend the rest of your life with. 白马王子;梦中情人;理想的伴侣
17 heart in the right place→see: heart it serves you right→see: serve on the right side of→see: side Quotations We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence How forcible are right words Bible: Job Natural rights is simple nonsense; natural and imprescriptible rights, rhetorical nonsense - nonsense upon stilts Jeremy Bentham Anarchical Fallacies Trends of right View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years DIRECTION AND POLITICAL GROUPINGS 方向和政治派别The spelling Right is also used for meanings 3 and 4. 拼写Right亦用于义项3和4。 1 N-SING 右边;右侧;右面 The right is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the right, you will be facing east. In the word 'to', the 'o' is to the right of the 't'. 右边;右侧;右面
Right is also an adverb.
2 ADJ [ADJ n] 右边的;右侧的 Your right arm, leg, or ear, for example, is the one which is on the right side of your body. Your right shoe or glove is the one which is intended to be worn on your right foot or hand. 右边的;右侧的 3 N-SING-COLL [with singular or plural verb] 右翼分子;右翼政党 You can refer to people who support the political ideals of capitalism and conservatism as the right. They are often contrasted with the left, who support the political ideals of socialism. 右翼分子;右翼政党
4 N-SING (政治上的)右翼 If you say that someone has moved to the right, you mean that their political beliefs have become more right-wing. (政治上的)右翼
5 PHRASE 是…的得力助手;是…的左膀右臂 If someone is at a person's right hand, they work closely with that person so they can help and advise them. 是…的得力助手;是…的左膀右臂
ENTITLEMENT 权利1 N-PLURAL [usually poss NOUN] 权利;权益 Your rights are what you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have. 权利;权益
2 N-SING [usually NOUN to-infinitive] (做某事或拥有某物的)权利 If you have a right to do or to have something, you are morally or legally entitled to do it or to have it. (做某事或拥有某物的)权利
SYN prerogative, interest, business, power 3 N-PLURAL 版权;改编权 If someone has the rights to a story or book, they are legally allowed to publish it or reproduce it in another form, and nobody else can do so without their permission. 版权;改编权
4 PHRASE 按理说;按道理 If something is not the case but you think that it should be, you can say that by rights it should be the case. 按理说;按道理
SYN in fairness, properly, technically, justly 5 PHRASE 靠自己努力;凭借自身才能 If someone is a successful or respected person in their own right, they are successful or respected because of their own efforts and talents rather than those of the people they are closely connected with. 靠自己努力;凭借自身才能
6 PHRASE 保留…的权利 If you say that you reserve the right to do something, you mean that you will do it if you feel that it is necessary. 保留…的权利
7 PHRASE 在…的权限之内;有权 If you say that someone is within their rights to do something, you mean that they are morally or legally entitled to do it. 在…的权限之内;有权
DISCOURSE USES 话语用法1 ADV (用于引起注意或表示已经完成一件事情,接下来可以开始另一件事情)好的,对 You use right in order to attract someone's attention or to indicate that you have dealt with one thing so you can go on to another. (用于引起注意或表示已经完成一件事情,接下来可以开始另一件事情)好的,对 [spoken]
2 CONVENTION (用于确认所说的话是否正确)对吗,是吗,对吧 You can use right to check whether what you have just said is correct. (用于确认所说的话是否正确)对吗,是吗,对吧 [spoken]
3 ADV (用于表示倾听某人的话并表示接受或理解)嗯,对,是 You can say 'right' to show that you are listening to what someone is saying and that you accept it or understand it. (用于表示倾听某人的话并表示接受或理解)嗯,对,是 [spoken]
4 See also: all right 5 CONVENTION 好极了;对极了 You say 'right on' to express your support or approval. 好极了;对极了 [informal, old-fashioned, spoken, feelings]
6 PHRASE 好的;没问题 If someone says 'right you are', they are agreeing to do something in a very willing and happy way. 好的;没问题 [informal, spoken]
USED FOR EMPHASIS 用于强调1 ADV [ADV adv/prep] (地方、位置或时间)准确地,恰当地,精确地 You can use right to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something. (地方、位置或时间)准确地,恰当地,精确地 [emphasis]
2 ADV 直到;一直到;径直 You can use right to emphasize how far something moves or extends or how long it continues. 直到;一直到;径直 [emphasis]
SYN directly, straight, precisely, exactly 3 ADV [ADV adv/prep] 完全地;彻底地 You can use right to emphasize that an action or state is complete. 完全地;彻底地 [emphasis]
SYN all the way, completely, totally, perfectly 4 ADJ [ADJ n] 完全的;彻头彻尾的;严重的 You can use right to emphasize a noun, usually a noun referring to something bad. 完全的;彻头彻尾的;严重的 [British, informal, emphasis]
SYN complete, real, pure, absolute 5 ADV 就在…之后/就在…之前 If you say that something happened right after a particular time or event or right before it, you mean that it happened immediately after or before it. 就在…之后/就在…之前 [emphasis]
6 ADV [ADV adv] 我马上就到/我马上回来 If you say I'll be right there or I'll be right back, you mean that you will get to a place or get back to it in a very short time. 我马上就到/我马上回来 [emphasis]
7 PHRASE 立刻;立即;马上 If you do something right away or right off, you do it immediately. 立刻;立即;马上 [informal, emphasis]
8 PHRASE 现在;此时此刻 You can use right now to emphasize that you are referring to the present moment. 现在;此时此刻 [informal, emphasis]
USED IN TITLES 用于称号 ADV (用于英国的某些尊称中,表示级别或地位高) Right is used in some British titles. It indicates high rank or status. (用于英国的某些尊称中,表示级别或地位高)
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