1 PHRASAL VERB (从…中)挖出,挖掘出 If you dig someone or something out of a place, you get them out by digging or by forcing them from the things surrounding them. (从…中)挖出,挖掘出 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
...digging minerals out of the Earth. [VERB noun PREP. + of]
Rescue crews have been digging people out of collapsed buildings. [V n P of n]
She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers. [VERB PREP. noun]
2 PHRASAL VERB 找出,翻出(收存、藏起或遗忘很久之物) If you dig something out, you find it after it has been stored, hidden, or forgotten for a long time. 找出,翻出(收存、藏起或遗忘很久之物) [informal]
Recently, I dug out Barstow's novel and read it again. [VERB PREP. noun]
We'll try and dig the number out for you if you want it. [VERB noun PREP.]