

单词 dig
dɪg dɪg
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense digs, present participle digging, past tense , past participle dug
1 VERB ; If people or animals dig, they make a hole in the ground or in a pile of earth, stones, or rubbish. ;
  • They tried digging in a patch just below the cave. [VERB]


  • Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first. [VERB noun]


  • Rescue workers are digging through the rubble in search of other victims. [VERB + through]


  • They dug for shellfish at low tide. [VERB + for]


  • Two men were standing by the freshly dug grave. [VERB-ed]


SYN hollow out, mine, bore, cut
2 VERB 伸手(至深处)掏 If you dig into something such as a deep container, you put your hand in it to search for something. 伸手(至深处)掏
  • He dug into his coat pocket for his keys. [V + into/in]


SYN search, hunt, rummage, root
3 V-ERG (把)戳(进);(将)刺(入) If you dig one thing into another or if one thing digs into another, the first thing is pushed hard into the second, or presses hard into it. (把)戳(进);(将)刺(入)
  • She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka. [VERB noun + into]


  • I grab George's arm and dig my nails into his flesh. [VERB noun into noun]


  • He could feel the beads digging into his palm. [VERB + into]


  • Graham was standing there, his hands dug into the pockets of his baggy white trousers. [VERB-ed]


4 VERB 研究;探究;细查 If you dig into a subject or a store of information, you study it very carefully in order to discover or check facts. 研究;探究;细查
  • The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government. [VERB + into]


  • He has been digging into the local archives. [VERB + into]


  • Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material. [VERB adv.]


5 VERB (尤指从自己造成的困境或令人不快的情形中)脱(身) If you dig yourself out of a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one which you caused yourself, you manage to get out of it. (尤指从自己造成的困境或令人不快的情形中)脱(身)
  • Occupants of the White House have exploited their office at key moments in an election campaign to dig themselves out of trouble. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]


  • He's taken these measures to try and dig himself out of a hole. [V pron-refl prep]


6 VERB 喜欢;欣赏;理解 If you say that you dig something, you mean that you like it and understand it. 喜欢;欣赏;理解 [informal, old-fashioned]
  • 'They play classic rock'n'roll,' states her boyfriend, 'My dad digs them too.'. [VERB noun]


  • I can dig it. I don't expect a band always to be innovative. [VERB it]


7 N-COUNT [oft on NOUN] 考古发掘 A dig is an organized activity in which people dig into the ground in order to discover ancient historical objects. 考古发掘
  • He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.


8 N-COUNT 挖苦;嘲讽 If you have a dig at someone, you say something which is intended to make fun of them or upset them. 挖苦;嘲讽
  • Americans are always quick to have a dig at the British.


  • She couldn't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance. [+ at]


SYN cutting remark, crack [slang] , insult, taunt
9 N-COUNT (用手指或臂肘的)戳,碰,触 If you give someone a dig in a part of their body, you push them with your finger or your elbow, usually as a warning or as a joke. (用手指或臂肘的)戳,碰,触
  • Cassandra silenced him with a sharp dig in the small of the back.


SYN poke, thrust, butt, nudge
10 N-PLURAL [oft in NOUN] 租住的房间 If you live in digs, you live in a room in someone else's house and pay them rent. 租住的房间 [British, informal, old-fashioned]
  • He went to London and lived in digs in Gloucester Road.


11 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 彻底调查;全面调查 If you dig deep, you do a very thorough investigation into something. 彻底调查;全面调查
  • I want you to dig deep. Find out who she is, and where she came from.


12 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 设法拿出钱 If someone digs into their pocket or digs into their purse, they manage after some difficulty to find the money to pay for something. 设法拿出钱
  • Holidaymakers are digging deep into their pockets to book late summer breaks.


13 to dig one's heels in→see: heel 
Phrasal verbs:
dig arounddig indig outdig overdig up
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