1 V-ERG (使)重新开业;(使)重新营业 If you reopen a public building such as a factory, airport, or school, or if it reopens, it opens and starts working again after it has been closed for some time. (使)重新开业;(使)重新营业
Iran reopened its embassy in London. [VERB noun]
It plans to reopen the shipyard tomorrow. [VERB noun]
The Theatre Royal, Norwich, will reopen in November. [VERB]
SYN open again
2 VERB 重新审理;重新调查 If police or the courts reopen a legal case, they investigate it again because it has never been solved or because there was something wrong in the way it was investigated before. 重新审理;重新调查
SYN open again, resume, restart, begin again
3 V-ERG (使)(谈判等)重新开始;(使)恢复 If people or countries reopen talks or negotiations or if talks or negotiations reopen, they begin again after they have stopped for some time. (使)(谈判等)重新开始;(使)恢复
But now high level delegations will reopen talks that broke up earlier this year. [VERB noun]
...the possibility of reopening negotiations with the government. [VERB noun + with]
Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday. [VERB]
4 V-RECIP 重新建立,恢复(联系或关系) If people or countries reopen ties or relations, they start being friendly again after a time when they were not friendly. 重新建立,恢复(联系或关系)
5 VERB 重新提出(问题);重新引起(辩论) If something reopens a question or debate, it makes the question or debate relevant again and causes people to start discussing it again. 重新提出(问题);重新引起(辩论)
6 V-ERG (使)(边界或路线)重新开放 If a country reopens a border or route, or if it reopens, it becomes possible to cross or travel along it again after it has been closed. (使)(边界或路线)重新开放
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