1 N-COUNT 海盗;海上劫掠者 Pirates are sailors who attack other ships and steal property from them. 海盗;海上劫掠者
SYN buccaneer, raider, rover, filibuster
2 N-COUNT 道德败坏者;违法者 You can refer to someone who behaves in an immoral or illegal way as a pirate . 道德败坏者;违法者
3 VERB 非法复制及出售(录像带、录音带、书籍、计算机程序等) Someone who pirates video tapes, cassettes, books, or computer programs copies and sells them when they have no right to do so. 非法复制及出售(录像带、录音带、书籍、计算机程序等)
A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games. [VERB noun]
...American manufacturers who've seen their designs pirated in other countries. [VERB noun]
SYN copy, steal, reproduce, bootleg
4 ADJ [ADJ n] 盗版的;盗用的;剽窃的 A pirate version of something is an illegal copy of it. 盗版的;盗用的;剽窃的
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