1ADJ-GRADED [verb-link ADJ, oft ADJ that/wh]肯定的;有把握的;毫无疑问的 If you are certain about something, you firmly believe it is true and have no doubt about it. If you are not certain about something, you do not have definite knowledge about it. 肯定的;有把握的;毫无疑问的 [Also + about]
She's absolutely certain she's going to make it in the world.
We are not certain whether the appendix had already burst or not.
It wasn't a balloon — I'm certain of that. [+ of]
SYN sure, convinced, positive, confident
2ADJ-GRADED [oft ADJ to-infinitive]必然的;必定的;肯定的 If you say that something is certain to happen, you mean that it will definitely happen. 必然的;必定的;肯定的
However, the scheme is certain to meet opposition from fishermen's leaders.
It's not certain they'll accept the Front's candidate if he wins.
Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals. [+ of]
The Prime Minister is heading for certain defeat if he forces a vote.
Victory looked certain.
3ADJ [verb-link ADJ]确凿的;无疑的 If you say that something is certain, you firmly believe that it is true, or have definite knowledge about it. 确凿的;无疑的
One thing is certain, both have the utmost respect for each other.
It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.
SYN known, true, positive, plain
4ADJ-GRADED [ADJ n]确实的;肯定的 If you have certain knowledge, you know that a particular thing is true. 确实的;肯定的
He had been there four times to my certain knowledge.
5PHRASE 确切地;无疑地 If you know something for certain, you have no doubt at all about it. 确切地;无疑地
She couldn't know what time he'd go, or even for certain that he'd go at all.
Hill had to find out for certain.
6PHRASE 确保;保证 If you make certain that something is the way you want or expect it to be, you take action to ensure that it is. 确保;保证
Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for.
To make extra certain, a police helicopter kept watch from the skies.
1ADJ [ADJ n]某个;特定的 You use certain to indicate that you are referring to one particular thing, person, or group, although you are not saying exactly which it is. 某个;特定的
There will be certain people who'll say 'I told you so!'.
You owe a certain person a sum of money.
Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas.
2QUANT 某些;一些 When you refer to certain of a group of people or things, you are referring to some particular members of that group. 某些;一些 [formal]
They'll have to give up completely on certain of their studies. [+ of]
3ADJ (用于人名前,表示不认识或了解很少)某个 You can use a certain before the name of a person in order to indicate that you do not know the person or anything else about them. (用于人名前,表示不认识或了解很少)某个
She managed to arrange for them to be hidden in the house of a certain Father Boduen.
4ADJ (品质、特点等)一定程度上的,有点儿 You use a certain to indicate that something such as a quality or condition exists, and often to suggest that it is not great in amount or degree. (品质、特点等)一定程度上的,有点儿
That was the very reason why he felt a certain bitterness.
There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.
I received a certain amount of sympathy immediately after the attack.