N-UNCOUNT 乡村;农村 The countryside is land which is away from towns and cities. 乡村;农村
SYN country, rural areas, outdoors, farmland
Usage Note :
Do not confuse countryside, scenery, landscape, and nature. Countryside is land which is away from towns and cities. ...3,500 acres of mostly flat countryside. With landscape, the emphasis is on the physical features of the land, while scenery includes everything you can see when you look out over an area of land. ...the landscape of steep woods and distant mountains. ...unattractive urban scenery. Nature includes the landscape, the weather, animals, and plants. These creatures roamed the Earth as the finest and rarest wonders of nature.
不要混淆 countryside,scenery,landscape 和 nature。countryside指远离城镇的地区,例如,3, 500 acres of mostly flat countryside (3, 500英亩几乎是一马平川的乡村土地)。landscape 强调土地的自然风貌,而 scenery 包括在一片土地上放眼望去所能看到的所有事物。例如,the landscape of steep woods and distant mountains (高耸的树林和连绵的远山构成的景色),unattractive urban scenery (乏味的城市景观)。nature 包括自然景观、气候、动物和植物。例如,These creatures roamed the Earth as the finest and rarest wonders of nature (这些生物作为自然界最珍贵最稀有的奇迹漫游在地球上)。
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