1 N-COUNT [usually singular] 脉搏;脉动 Your pulse is the regular beating of blood through your body, which you can feel when you touch particular parts of your body, especially your wrist. 脉搏;脉动
2 N-COUNT 拍子;节奏;(常指)鼓点 In music, a pulse is a regular beat, which is often produced by a drum. 拍子;节奏;(常指)鼓点
SYN beat, rhythm, vibration, beating
3 N-COUNT 脉冲 A pulse of electrical current, light, or sound is a temporary increase in its level. 脉冲
4 N-SING 意向;心态 If you refer to the pulse of a group in society, you mean the ideas, opinions, or feelings they have at a particular time. 意向;心态
5 VERB (有节奏地)跳动,搏动,震动 If something pulses, it moves, appears, or makes a sound with a strong regular rhythm. (有节奏地)跳动,搏动,震动
His temples pulsed a little, threatening a headache. [VERB]
It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air. [VERB-ing]
SYN beat, tick, throb, vibrate
6 N-PLURAL (可食用的)豆子 Some seeds which can be cooked and eaten are called pulses, for example peas, beans, and lentils. (可食用的)豆子
7 PHRASE 保持消息灵通 If you have your finger on the pulse of something, you know all the latest opinions or developments concerning it. 保持消息灵通
8 PHRASE 测脉搏;把脉 When someone takes your pulse or feels your pulse, they find out how quickly your heart is beating by feeling the pulse in your wrist. 测脉搏;把脉
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