1 VERB 咨询;请教;请示(以获得许可) If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something. 咨询;请教;请示(以获得许可)
Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt. [VERB noun]
He needed to consult with an attorney. [VERB + with]
If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser. [VERB noun]
2 V-RECIP 商量;商讨;商议 If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange ideas and opinions about what they might decide to do. 商量;商讨;商议
After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms. [VERB + with]
The two countries will have to consult their allies. [VERB noun]
The umpires consulted quickly. [VERB]
SYN confer, talk, debate, deliberate
3 VERB 查阅,查询(书、地图等) If you consult a book or a map, you look in it or look at it in order to find some information. 查阅,查询(书、地图等)
SYN refer to, check in, look in
consult: to seek another's approval of a course already decided on Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary
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