1 PHR-V-RECIP 平息(争吵);修补(关系) If you patch up a quarrel or relationship, you try to be friendly again and not to quarrel any more. 平息(争吵);修补(关系)
She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage. [VERB PREP. noun]
He has now patched up his differences with the Minister. [V P n + with]
France patched things up with New Zealand. [VERB noun PREP. + with]
They managed to patch it up. [VERB noun PREP.]
2 PHRASAL VERB 修理;修补 If you patch up something which is damaged, you mend it or patch it. 修理;修补 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
We can patch up those holes. [VERB PREP. noun]
He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]
3 PHRASAL VERB 为…处理伤口;包扎,处理(伤口) If doctors patch someone up or patch their wounds up, they treat their injuries. 为…处理伤口;包扎,处理(伤口)
SYN treat, operate on, mend, perform surgery on
4 PHRASAL VERB 艰难达成(协议等) If people or countries patch up a deal, they manage to agree on it after difficult discussions. 艰难达成(协议等) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]