

单词 other
ʌðəʳ ˈʌðər
Word forms: plural others
  • When other follows the determiner an, it is written as one word.

    other 跟在限定词 an 之后时,两词合写作一个单词。See another.

1 ADJ [ADJ n] (表示在与已提及或已知的人或事物同一类中)别的,其他的,另外的,额外的 You use other to refer to an additional thing or person of the same type as one that has been mentioned or is known about. (表示在与已提及或已知的人或事物同一类中)别的,其他的,另外的,额外的
  • They were just like any other young couple.


  • The communique gave no other details.


Other is also a pronoun.
  • Four crewmen were killed, one other was injured.


  • In 1914 he (like so many others) lied about his age so that he could join the war effort.


2 ADJ [ADJ n] (表示与已提及的人或事物不同)别的,其他的 You use other to indicate that a thing or person is not the one already mentioned, but a different one. (表示与已提及的人或事物不同)别的,其他的
  • The authorities insist that the discussions must not be linked to any other issue.


  • Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p per minute at all other times.


  • He would have to accept it; there was no other way.


  • They will then have more money to spend on other things.


Other is also a pronoun.
  • This issue, more than any other, has divided her cabinet.


  • Some of these methods will work. Others will not.


3 ADJ (两个中)另一的 You use the other to refer to the second of two things or people when the identity of the first is already known or understood, or has already been mentioned. (两个中)另一的
  • The Captain was at the other end of the room.


  • You deliberately went in the other direction.


  • Half of PML's scientists have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.


The other is also a pronoun.
  • Almost everybody had a cigarette in one hand and a martini in the other.


  • While one of them tried to put his hand in my pocket, the other held me from behind.


4 ADJ [ADJ n] (用于列举之后)其他类似的 You use other at the end of a list or a group of examples, to refer generally to people or things like the ones just mentioned. (用于列举之后)其他类似的
  • Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.


  • Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similar container.


Other is also a pronoun.
  • Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.


5 ADJ (一组人或事物中)其余的,剩下的 You use the other to refer to the rest of the people or things in a group, when you are talking about one particular person or thing. (一组人或事物中)其余的,剩下的
  • When the other pupils were taken to an exhibition, he was left behind.


The others is also a pronoun.
  • Aubrey's on his way here, with the others.


6 ADJ [ADJ n] (泛指)别(人)的,他(人)的 Other people are people in general, as opposed to yourself or a person you have already mentioned. (泛指)别(人)的,他(人)的
  • The suffering of other people appals me.


  • She likes to be with other people.


Others means the same as other people .others other people
  • His humour depended on contempt for others.


Usage Note :
  • Do not confuse other and another. You use other to refer to more than one type of person or thing. Other boys were arriving now. When you are talking about two people or things and have already referred to one of them, you refer to the second one as the other or the other one. When you are talking about several people or things and have already referred to one or more of them, you usually refer to the remaining ones as the others. Another person or thing means one more person or thing of the same kind. It is usually followed by a singular count noun, 'one', 'few', or a number larger than one. Rick's got another camera... She had a drink and then another one... I waited another few minutes... They raised another £5,000.

    不要混淆 other anotherother 指不同类的人或事物,如:Other boys were arriving now (其他的男孩马上也到了)。当谈论两个人或事物中的第二个时,用 the other the other one。当谈论数个人或事物中剩余的部分时,通常用the othersanother 指同类的另一个人或事物,后面常跟可数名词单数、onefew或者大于1的数字,如:Rick's got another camera(里克又买了一部照相机),She had a drink and then another one(她喝了一杯,接着又一杯),I waited another few minutes(我又等了几分钟),They raised another £5, 000(他们又筹集了5, 000英镑)。

7 ADJ 最近的;前不久的 You use other in informal expressions of time such as the other day ,the other evening, or the other week to refer to a day, evening, or week in the recent past. 最近的;前不久的
  • I rang her the other day and she said she'd like to come round.


  • The other evening we had a party.


8 PHRASE 除了别的以外;其中;包括 You use expressions like among other things or among others to indicate that there are several more facts, things, or people like the one or ones mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all. 除了别的以外;其中;包括 [vagueness]
  • He moved to England in 1980 where, among other things, he worked as a journalist.


  • His travels took him to Dublin, among other places.


  • He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.


9 PHRASE 每隔一天/每隔一月 If something happens, for example, every other day or every other month, there is a day or month when it does not happen between each day or month when it happens. 每隔一天/每隔一月
  • Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day, vegetables and fruit.


  • Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.


10 PHRASE (用于强调,表示一组人或事物中)其余的,剩下的 You use every other to emphasize that you are referring to all the rest of the people or things in a group. (用于强调,表示一组人或事物中)其余的,剩下的 [emphasis]
  • The same will apply in every other country.


11 PHRASE 就是;不是别的而正是 You use none other than and no other than to emphasize the name of a person or thing when something about that person or thing is surprising in a particular situation. 就是;不是别的而正是 [emphasis]
  • He called together all his employees and announced that the manager was none other than his son.


12 PHRASE 只有;除外没有 You use nothing other than and no other than when you are going to mention a course of action, decision, or description and emphasize that it is the only one possible in the situation. 只有;除外没有 [emphasis]
  • Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.


  • The rebels would not be happy with anything other than the complete removal of the current regime.


  • They have left us with no other choice than to take formal action.


13 PHRASE (表示无法或不想确切说明)某一,某些 You use or other in expressions like somehow or other and someone or other to indicate that you cannot or do not want to be more precise about the information that you are giving. (表示无法或不想确切说明)某一,某些 [vagueness]
  • I was going to have him called away from the house on some pretext or other.


  • The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other.


  • Somehow or other he's involved.


14 PHRASE (用于否定陈述后)除了以外 You use other than after a negative statement to say that the person, item, or thing that follows is the only exception to the statement. (用于否定陈述后)除了以外
  • She makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own.


  • The journey by road to Wolverhampton is not recommended to anyone other than the most experienced cyclist.


15 each other→see: each  your other half→see: half  one after the other→see: one  one or other→see: one  this, that and the other→see: this  in other words→see: word 
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