

单词 proof
prf pruf
Word forms: plural proofs
1 N-VAR [NOUN that] 证据;证物;证言 Proof is a fact, argument, or piece of evidence which shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists. 证据;证物;证言
  • You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card. [+ of]


  • This is not necessarily proof that he is wrong.


  • Economists have been concerned with establishing proofs for their arguments.


SYN evidence, demonstration, testimony, confirmation
2 N-COUNT [usually plural] 校样;样张;初印稿 In publishing, the proofs of a book, magazine, or article are a first copy of it that is printed so that mistakes can be corrected before more copies are printed and published. 校样;样张;初印稿
  • I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now. [+ of]


SYN trial print, pull, slip, galley
Proof is also an adjective.
  • ...an uncorrected proof copy of the book.


3 ADJ 标准酒精度 Proof is used after a number of degrees or a percentage, when indicating the strength of a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky. 标准酒精度
  • ...a glass of Wild Turkey bourbon: 101 degrees proof.


4 ADJ [v-link ADJ against n] 不能穿透的;耐的;能防 If something or someone is proof against a particular thing, they cannot be damaged, harmed, or affected by it. 不能穿透的;耐的;能防 [written]
  • The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use.


  • His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies.


SYN impervious, strong, tight, resistant
5 PHRASE [usually verb-link PHRASE, oft PHR that, PHR of n] 典型的例证;活生生的例子 If you say that someone is living proof of something, you mean that their actions or personal qualities show that a particular fact is true or that a particular quality exists. 典型的例证;活生生的例子
  • He is living proof that some players just get better with age.


6 PHRASE [usually verb-link PHRASE, oft PHR that, PHR of n] 正面例子 To be proof positive of a particular fact or quality means to be evidence that it is true or that it exists. 正面例子 [formal]
  • The Windermere Golf Club is proof positive that golf and ecology can co-exist in perfect harmony.


7 burden of proof→see: burden  the proof of the pudding is in the eating→see: pudding 
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse proof with:

convincing proof, final proof, living proof, proof positive 1


have proof, need proof, offer proof, provide proof, require proof, show proof 1

Trends of proof
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