1 PHRASAL VERB 晕厥;暂时昏迷 If you black out, you lose consciousness for a short time. 晕厥;暂时昏迷
I could feel blood draining from my face. I wondered whether I was about to black out. [VERB PREP.]
Samadov said that he felt so ill that he blacked out. [VERB PREP.]
SYN pass out, drop, collapse, faint
2 PHRASAL VERB 对…实行灯火管制;使一片漆黑 If a place is blacked out, it is in darkness, usually because it has no electricity supply. 对…实行灯火管制;使一片漆黑
3 PHRASAL VERB [usually passive] 禁播(电影等);禁止发行,禁止出版(文章、图书等) If a film or a piece of writing is blacked out, it is prevented from being broadcast or published, usually because it contains information which is secret or offensive. 禁播(电影等);禁止发行,禁止出版(文章、图书等)
4 PHRASAL VERB 涂黑,盖住,涂掉(文字等) If you black out a piece of writing, you colour over it in black so that it cannot be seen. 涂黑,盖住,涂掉(文字等) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use. [VERB PREP. noun]
Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]
SYN suppress, conceal, obscure, cover up
5 PHRASAL VERB 尽力忘记;努力忘却 If you black out the memory of something, you try not to remember it because it upsets you. 尽力忘记;努力忘却 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n]