1 N-COUNT 腰带;裤带;皮带 A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist. 腰带;裤带;皮带
SYN waistband, band, strap, sash
2See also:safety belt seat belt
3 N-COUNT (机器的)皮带,输送带 A belt in a machine is a circular strip of rubber that is used to drive moving parts or to move objects along. (机器的)皮带,输送带
SYN conveyor belt, band, loop, fan belt
4See also:conveyor belt fan belt
5 N-COUNT 地带;带状区域 A belt of land or sea is a long, narrow area of it that has some special feature. 地带;带状区域
Miners in Zambia's northern copper belt have gone on strike.
Behind him was a belt of trees, and behind the trees hills and fields.
6See also:Bible Belt commuter belt green belt
7 VERB 抽打;痛打 If someone belts you, they hit you very hard. 抽打;痛打 [informal]
SYN strike, beat, punch, deck [slang]
8 VERB 飞奔;疾驰 If you belt somewhere, you move or travel there very fast. 飞奔;疾驰 [informal]
SYN rush, run, race, fly
9 N-COUNT [usually adjective NOUN] (表示柔道或空手道级别的)段,带 If someone is or has a belt of a particular colour in judo or karate, they have reached the standard which that colour represents. (表示柔道或空手道级别的)段,带
11 PHRASE 残酷而不公正的 Something that is below the belt is cruel and unfair. 残酷而不公正的
SYN unfair, foul, crooked [informal] , cowardly
12 PHRASE 勒紧裤腰带;紧缩开支;节衣缩食 If you have to tighten your belt, you have to spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have. 勒紧裤腰带;紧缩开支;节衣缩食
13 PHRASE 已经取得(或完成) If you have something under your belt, you have already achieved it or done it. 已经取得(或完成)
Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt.
Phrasal verbs: - belt outbelt up
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