

单词 pick up
pick uppick-up
pick up
1 PHRASAL VERB 拿起;提起;拾起;捡起 When you pick something up, you lift it up. 拿起;提起;拾起;捡起
  • He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head. [VERB noun PREP.]


  • Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. [VERB PREP. noun]


2 PHRASAL VERB (跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起) When you pick yourself up after you have fallen or been knocked down, you stand up rather slowly. (跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起)
  • Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. [VERB pronoun-reflexive PREP.]


3 PHRASAL VERB (通常指开车)接载,取走 When you pick up someone or something that is waiting to be collected, you go to the place where they are and take them away, often in a car. (通常指开车)接载,取走
  • We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]


  • She went over to her parents' house to pick up some clean clothes. [VERB PREP. noun]


  • I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother. [VERB noun PREP.]


4 PHRASAL VERB 逮捕;拘捕 If someone is picked up by the police, they are arrested and taken to a police station. 逮捕;拘捕 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n]
  • Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office. [be VERB-ed PREP.]


  • The police picked him up within the hour. [VERB noun PREP.]


SYN arrest, nick [slang , mainly British] , bust [informal] , do [slang]
5 PHRASAL VERB (不费力地)获得,学会 If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time. (不费力地)获得,学会 [informal] [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • Where did you pick up your English?. [VERB PREP. noun]


  • Young people are picking up ideas about good drugs and bad drugs. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]


SYN learn, master, acquire, get the hang of [informal]
6 PHRASAL VERB (以发生性关系为目的)搭识,与搭讪 If you pick up someone you do not know, you talk to them and try to start a sexual relationship with them. (以发生性关系为目的)搭识,与搭讪 [informal] [Also VERB PREPOSITION n]
  • He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer. [VERB noun PREP.]


SYN meet, pull [informal] , take up with, get off with [informal]
7 PHRASAL VERB 得(病);染上(疾病) If you pick up an illness, you get it from somewhere or something. 得(病);染上(疾病) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • They've picked up a really nasty infection from something they've eaten. [VERB PREP. noun]


SYN catch, get, contract, come down with
8 PHRASAL VERB 接收到(信号或声音) If a piece of equipment, for example a radio or a microphone, picks up a signal or sound, it receives it or detects it. 接收到(信号或声音)
  • We can pick up Italian television. [VERB PREP. noun]


  • The crew of Philante picked up a distress signal from the yacht Sans Peur III. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]


SYN receive, get, hear, detect
9 PHRASAL VERB 发现,找到,识别(特点或模式) If you pick up something, such as a feature or a pattern, you discover or identify it. 发现,找到,识别(特点或模式)
  • Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology. [VERB PREP. noun]


10 PHRASAL VERB 重提,接过(观点或话题) If someone picks up a point or topic that has already been mentioned, or if they pick up on it, they refer to it or develop it. 重提,接过(观点或话题) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • Can I just pick up that gentleman's point?. [VERB PREP. noun]


  • I'll pick up on what I said a couple of minutes ago. [VERB PREP. PREP. noun]


SYN develop, advance, expand on, comment on
11 PHRASAL VERB (贸易或经济)好转,改善 If trade or the economy of a country picks up, it improves. (贸易或经济)好转,改善
  • Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency. [VERB PREP.]


  • Industrial production is beginning to pick up. [VERB PREP.]


SYN improve, recover, rally, get better
12 PHRASAL VERB (健康)好转,恢复 If someone picks up, or their health picks up, they get better. (健康)好转,恢复
  • A good dose of tonic will help you to pick up. [VERB PREP.]


SYN recover, improve, rally, get better
13 PHRASAL VERB 指出的错误;纠正 If you pick someone up on something that they have said or done, you mention it and tell them that you think it is wrong. 指出的错误;纠正 [mainly British]
  • ...if I may pick you up on that point. [VERB noun PREP. PREP. noun]


  • Don't pick me up on words. [VERB noun PREP. PREP. noun]


14 See also: pick-up 
Trends of pick up
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(also pickup)Word forms: plural pick-ups
1 N-COUNT 皮卡;轻型货车 A pick-up or a pick-up truck is a small truck with low sides that can be easily loaded and unloaded. 皮卡;轻型货车
2 N-SING (贸易或经济的)好转,改善 A pick-up in trade or in a country's economy is an improvement in it. (贸易或经济的)好转,改善
  • ...a pick-up in the housing market. [+ in]


  • The economy remains deep in recession with few signs of a pick-up.


SYN improvement, recovery, rise, gain
3 N-COUNT [usually NOUN n] 接人;取走物品;提货 A pick-up takes place when someone picks up a person or thing that is waiting to be collected. 接人;取走物品;提货
  • The company had pick-up points in most cities.


  • Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford.


4 N-COUNT (以发生性关系为目的的)搭识,搭讪 When a pick-up takes place, someone talks to a person in a friendly way in the hope of having a casual sexual relationship with them. (以发生性关系为目的的)搭识,搭讪 [informal]
  • They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.


Trends of pick-up
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