1N-UNCOUNT 妇产科; obstetrics/gynaecology的缩写Ob/gyn is the branch of medicine that deals with women's medical conditions, pregnancy, and birth. Ob/gyn is an abbreviation for "obstetrics/gynaecology." 妇产科; obstetrics/gynaecology的缩写 [informal]
We are already having trouble getting needed services in surgery and ob/gyn.
2N-COUNT 妇产科医师; obstetrician/gynaecologist的缩写An Ob/gyn is a doctor who specializes in women's medical conditions, pregnancy, and birth. Ob/gyn is an abbreviation for "obstetrician/gynaecologist." 妇产科医师; obstetrician/gynaecologist的缩写 [informal]
My mom's an Ob/gyn and she works with high-risk pregnancies.