In American English, backward is usually used as an adverb instead of backwards.Backward is also sometimes used in this way in formal British English. See backwards for these uses.
1 ADJ [ADJ n] 向后的,往后的(一些人亦使用backwards) A backward movement or look is in the direction that your back is facing. Some people use backwards for this meaning. 向后的,往后的(一些人亦使用backwards)
SYN reverse, inverted, inverse, back to front
2 ADJ [ADJ n] 倒退的;不进反退的 If someone takes a backward step, they do something that does not change or improve their situation, but causes them to go back a stage. 倒退的;不进反退的
At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.
Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.
SYN regressive, negative, downward, for the worse
3 ADJ-GRADED 落后的 A backward country or society does not have modern industries and machines. 落后的
SYN underdeveloped, primitive, undeveloped, unsophisticated
4 ADJ-GRADED 迟钝的;学习吃力的 A backward child has difficulty in learning. 迟钝的;学习吃力的
Word Link | ward ≈ in the direction of : backward, forward, inward |
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