The adjective is also spelled next-door. 形容词亦拼作 next-door。
1 ADV [ADVERB after verb, be ADVERB, oft n ADV] 在隔壁 If a room or building is next door, it is the next one to the right or left. 在隔壁
I went next door to the bathroom.
She was next door at the time.
...the old lady who lived next door.
The flat next door was empty.
Next door is also an adjective.
If a room or building is
next door to another one, it is the next one to the left or right.
在…的隔壁 2 ADV [n ADVERB] 在隔壁 The people next door are the people who live in the house or flat to the right or left of yours. 在隔壁
Next door is also an adjective.
3 PHRASE 邻家男孩/邻家女孩 If you refer to someone as the boy next door or the girl next door, you mean that they are pleasant and respectable but rather dull. 邻家男孩/邻家女孩
He was dependable, straightforward, the boy next door.
She was the girl-next-door type.