单词 | arm | ||||||||||||
释义 | arm ɑːʳm ɑrm Word forms: plural arms
PART OF YOUR BODY OR OFSOMETHING ELSE 人体或其他物体的一部分1 N-COUNT [oft poss NOUN] 手臂;上肢 Your arms are the two long parts of your body that are attached to your shoulders and that have your hands at the end. 手臂;上肢
SYN upper limb, limb, appendage 2 N-COUNT 衣袖;袖子 The arm of a piece of clothing is the part of it that covers your arm. 衣袖;袖子 3 N-COUNT (椅子的)靠手,扶手 The arm of a chair is the part on which you rest your arm when you are sitting down. (椅子的)靠手,扶手 4 N-COUNT (物体的)臂,杆 An arm of an object is a long thin part of it that sticks out from the main part. (物体的)臂,杆
5 N-COUNT (陆地的)狭长地带;狭长港湾 An arm of land or water is a long thin area of it that is joined to a broader area. (陆地的)狭长地带;狭长港湾
SYN inlet, bay, passage, entrance 6 N-COUNT [usually singular] 分支机构;部门 An arm of an organization is a section of it that operates in a particular country or that deals with a particular activity. 分支机构;部门
SYN branch, part, office, department 7 PHRASE 臂挽臂地 If two people are walking arm in arm, they are walking together with their arms linked. 臂挽臂地
8 PHRASE (价格)昂贵 If you say that something costs an arm and a leg, you mean that it is very expensive. (价格)昂贵 [informal]
SYN a lot of money, a bomb [British , slang] , a fortune, a pile [informal] 9 PHRASE 一臂之远;在伸手可及处 If you hold something at arm's length, you hold it away from your body with your arm straight. 一臂之远;在伸手可及处
10 PHRASE 与…保持距离 If you keep someone at arm's length, you avoid becoming too friendly or involved with them. 与…保持距离
11 PHRASE [usually verb-link PHRASE] (清单)很长 If you say that a list is as long as your arm, you are emphasizing that it is very long. (清单)很长 [informal, emphasis] 12 PHRASE 热烈地;友好地 If you welcome some action or change with open arms, you are very pleased about it. If you welcome a person with open arms, you are very pleased about their arrival. 热烈地;友好地 [approval]
13 PHRASE 说服 If you twist someone's arm, you persuade them to do something. 说服 [informal]
Trends of arm View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years WEAPONS 武器1 N-PLURAL [oft NOUN n] 武器,军火,军备(尤指炸弹和枪支) Arms are weapons, especially bombs and guns. 武器,军火,军备(尤指炸弹和枪支) [formal]
2 VERB 武装;装备 If you arm someone with a weapon, you provide them with a weapon. 武装;装备
SYN equip, provide, supply, outfit 3 VERB (给…)提供,配备;支持 If you arm someone with something that will be useful in a particular situation, you provide them with it. (给…)提供,配备;支持
SYN provide, prime, prepare, protect 4 N-PLURAL (城市或贵族家庭的)盾徽,(盾形)徽章,纹章(常用于英国酒馆名中) The arms of a city or of a noble family are its coat of arms. Arms is often used in the names of British pubs. (城市或贵族家庭的)盾徽,(盾形)徽章,纹章(常用于英国酒馆名中)
5 See also: armed -armed coat of arms comrade-in-arms small arms 6 PHRASE (以自卫为目的)持有武器 A person's right to bear arms is their right to own and use guns, as a means of defence. (以自卫为目的)持有武器 7 PHRASE 放下武器;投降 If soldiers lay down their arms, they stop fighting and give up their weapons. 放下武器;投降 [old-fashioned] 8 PHRASE 拿起武器;准备与…战斗 If one group or countrytakes up arms against another, they prepare to attack and fight them. 拿起武器;准备与…战斗
9 PHRASE 武装起来的;处于战备状态 If a country has people under arms, it has people trained to use weapons and to fight a war. 武装起来的;处于战备状态
10 PHRASE 非常愤怒;极力反对;强烈抗议 If people are up in arms about something, they are very angry about it and are protesting strongly against it. 非常愤怒;极力反对;强烈抗议
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