1 N-UNCOUNT 随乐声抢椅子的游戏(游戏者随乐声围着椅子绕圈走,乐声停止时未抢到椅子者被淘汰) Musical chairs is a game that children play at parties. They run round a row of chairs while music plays and try to sit down on one when the music stops. 随乐声抢椅子的游戏(游戏者随乐声围着椅子绕圈走,乐声停止时未抢到椅子者被淘汰)
2 N-UNCOUNT (像抢椅子游戏似的)人员频繁的更动,频繁调换职位 If you describe the situation within a particular organization or area of activity as musical chairs, you are critical of the fact that people in that organization or area exchange jobs or positions very often. (像抢椅子游戏似的)人员频繁的更动,频繁调换职位 [disapproval]
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