1 N-VAR 谋杀;杀害;凶杀 Murder is the deliberate and illegal killing of a person. →see usage note at: kill 谋杀;杀害;凶杀
The three accused, aged between 19 and 20, are charged with attempted murder.
She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.
...brutal murders.
2 VERB 谋杀;杀害 To murder someone means to commit the crime of killing them deliberately. 谋杀;杀害 [Also VERB]
...a thriller about two men who murder a third to see if they can get away with it. [VERB noun]
...the body of a murdered religious and political leader. [VERB-ed]
SYN kill, massacre, slaughter, assassinate
3 PHRASE (做坏事而)安然无恙,逍遥法外,为所欲为 If you say that someone gets away with murder, you are complaining that they can do whatever they like without anyone trying to control them or punish them. (做坏事而)安然无恙,逍遥法外,为所欲为 [informal, disapproval]
4 PHRASE [VERB inflects] (对不喜欢的东西)大惊小怪地拼命叫嚷 If you say that someone screams blue murder or screams bloody murder, you are emphasizing that they are making a lot of noise or fuss about something that they do not like. (对不喜欢的东西)大惊小怪地拼命叫嚷 [informal, emphasis]
Thou shalt not kill Bible: Exodus
Murder will out Geoffrey Chaucer The Nun's Priest's Tale
murder most foul William Shakespeare Hamlet
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