1 VERB 宣布;宣告;公布 If you announce something, you tell people about it publicly or officially. 宣布;宣告;公布
He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office. [VERB that]
She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter. [VERB noun]
It was announced that the groups have agreed to a ceasefire.
SYN make known, tell, report, reveal
2 VERB 大声宣告,郑重地说(尤指令人不快之事) If you announce a piece of news or an intention, especially something that people may not like, you say it loudly and clearly, so that everyone you are with can hear it. 大声宣告,郑重地说(尤指令人不快之事)
Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university. [VERB that]
'I'm having a bath and going to bed,' she announced, and left the room. [VERB with quote]
3 VERB (机场或火车站工作人员通过扬声器)播报,通知 If an airport or railway employee announces something, they tell the public about it by means of a loudspeaker system. (机场或火车站工作人员通过扬声器)播报,通知
SYN be a sign of, signal, herald, warn of
4 VERB (以信件、声音、信号等)通知,告知 If a letter, sound, or sign announces something, it informs people about it. (以信件、声音、信号等)通知,告知
5 VERB [usually passive] (仆人)通报,宣布(膳食备齐或来宾到达) If a meal or a guest is announced by a servant at a formal party, the servant says clearly that the meal is ready or the guest has arrived. (仆人)通报,宣布(膳食备齐或来宾到达)
Thesaurus | announce Also look up: |
VERB. | advertise, make public, reveal; (ant.) withhold 1 declare 1 2 |
Word Link | nounce ≈ reporting : announce, denounce, pronounce |
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