1 ADJ [ADJ n] (战争期间)盟国的,盟军的 Allied forces or troops are armies from different countries who are fighting on the same side in a war. (战争期间)盟国的,盟军的
2 ADJ [ADJ n] (国家、军队、政党等)同盟的,结盟的 Allied countries, troops, or political parties are united by a political or military agreement. (国家、军队、政党等)同盟的,结盟的 [Also + to]
SYN united, joined, linked, related
3 ADJ [ADJ n] 相关的;有关联的 If one thing or group is allied to another, it is related to it because the two things have particular qualities or characteristics in common. 相关的;有关联的
...lectures on subjects allied to health, beauty and fitness. [+ to/with]
Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciate this.
4 ADJ 伴随…发生的 Something that is allied to another thing occurs with the other thing. 伴随…发生的 [formal]
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