

单词 against
əgenst əgnst əˈɡɛnst əˈgeɪnst əˈgɛnst
  • In addition to the uses shown below, against is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come up against’, ‘guard against’, and ‘hold against’.

    除下列用法外,against还可用于come up against, guard against, hold against等短语动词中。

1 PREP 紧靠;倚;碰 If one thing is leaning or pressing against another, it is touching it. 紧靠;倚;碰
  • She leaned against him.


  • On a table pushed against a wall there were bottles of beer and wine.


  • ...the rain beating against the window panes.


SYN beside, on, up against, in contact with
2 PREP 反对(计划、政策、制度等) If you are against something such as a plan, policy, or system, you think it is wrong, bad, or stupid. 反对(计划、政策、制度等)
  • Taxes are unpopular — it is understandable that voters are against them.


  • Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment.


  • ...a march to protest against job losses.


SYN opposed to, anti [informal] , opposing, counter
Against is also an adverb.
  • The vote for the suspension of the party was 283 in favour with 29 against.


3 PREP 竞争;与对阵 If you compete against someone in a game, you try to beat them. 竞争;与对阵
  • The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians.


  • Billy Hardy has pulled out of his second fight against Noel Carroll after a training accident.


4 PREP 反对;对抗 If you take action against someone or something, you try to harm them. 反对;对抗
  • Security forces are still using violence against opponents of the government.


  • ...an upsurge in racism against immigrants.


  • The demonstration itself was against the Government's new Community Charge.


5 PREP 制止;预防;阻止 If you take action against a possible future event, you try to prevent it. 制止;预防;阻止
  • ...the fight against crime.


  • They are arguing against hospital closures.


  • I must warn you against raising your hopes.


6 PREP 违背,违抗(愿望、劝告或命令) If you do something against someone's wishes, advice, or orders, you do not do what they want you to do or tell you to do. 违背,违抗(愿望、劝告或命令)
  • He didn't want to go against the wishes of the German government.


  • He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors.


SYN in defiance of, resisting, in spite of, in the face of
7 PREP 防备 If you do something in order to protect yourself against something unpleasant or harmful, you do something which will make its effects on you less serious if it happens. 防备
  • A business needs insurance against risks such as fire and flood.


  • It has been claimed that wine helps protect against heart disease.


8 PHRASE 不喜欢;对存有芥蒂 If you have something against someone or something, you dislike them. 不喜欢;对存有芥蒂
  • Have you got something against women, Les?.


  • I have nothing against foreigners.


9 PREP 违反(法律或规则) If something is against the law or against the rules, there is a law or a rule which says that you must not do it. 违反(法律或规则)
  • It is against the law to detain you against your will for any length of time.


  • We thought cheating was against the rules.


10 PREP 迎着;逆着 If you are moving against a current, tide, or wind, you are moving in the opposite direction to it. 迎着;逆着
  • ...swimming upstream against the current.


  • They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide.


SYN in opposition to, resisting, versus, counter to
11 PREP 为背景 If something happens or is considered against a particular background of events, it is considered in relation to those events, because those events are relevant to it. 为背景
  • The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland, against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement.


  • The profits rise was achieved against a backdrop of falling metal prices.


12 PREP 对比;对照 If something is measured or valued against something else, it is measured or valued by comparing it with the other thing. 对比;对照
  • Our policy has to be judged against a clear test: will it improve the standard of education?.


  • Check the operator's productivity against agreed targets.


  • The US dollar is down against most foreign currencies today.


SYN in comparison to, in return for, in compensation for, in exchange against
13 PHRASE 相对;与比较 If you discuss a particular set of facts or figures as against another set, you are comparing or contrasting the two sets of facts or figures. 相对;与比较
  • Over 50% of divorced men regretted their divorce, as against 25% of women.


14 PREP 不利于 The odds against something happening are the chances or odds that it will not happen. 不利于
  • The odds against him surviving are incredible.


Against is also an adverb.
  • What were the odds against?


15 up against→see: up  against the clock→see: clock 
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