

单词 after
ɑːftəʳ æftəʳ ˈæftər ˈɑftər
  • In addition to the uses shown below, after is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘ask after’, ‘look after’, and ‘take after’.

    除下列用法外,after还可用于ask afterlook after, take after等短语动词中。

1 PREP 在(时间、事件)以后 If something happens after a particular date or event, it happens during the period of time that follows that date or event. 在(时间、事件)以后
  • After 19 May, strikes were occurring on a daily basis.


  • After breakfast Amy ordered a taxi.


  • It wasn't until after Christmas that I met Paul.


After is also a conjunction.
  • After Don told me this, he spoke of his mother.


  • Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago.


2 PREP [PREP v-ing] 之后(指做事的先后顺序) If you do one thing after doing another, you do it during the period of time that follows the other thing. 之后(指做事的先后顺序)
  • After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope provided.


  • ...women who have changed their mind after deciding not to have children.


  • After flying from Los Angeles to London, allow four full days to adjust.


3 PREP (时间)在 You use after when you are talking about time. For example, if something is going to happen during the day after or the weekend after a particular time, it is going to happen during the following day or during the following weekend. (时间)在
  • She's leaving the day after tomorrow.


  • ...the party's annual conference, to be held the week after next.


After is also an adverb.
  • Tomorrow. Or the day after.


4 PREP 之后;跟在之后 If you go after someone, you follow or chase them. 之后;跟在之后
  • He walked out, and Louise went after him.


  • ...people who were after him for large amounts of money.


SYN following, chasing, pursuing, on the hunt for
5 PREP 追求;搜寻 If you are after something, you are trying to get it. 追求;搜寻
  • They were after the money.


  • I did eventually find what I was after.


SYN looking for, searching for, in search of, trying to find
6 PREP 朝着(正离去之人喊叫或注视) If you call, shout, or stare after someone, you call, shout, or stare at them as they move away from you. 朝着(正离去之人喊叫或注视)
  • 'Come back!' he called after me.


  • Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.


7 PREP 为,替(某人做某事) If you do something after someone, you do it for them, because they cannot or will not do it for themselves. 为,替(某人做某事)
  • She used to mess up the floor and I had to clean up after her.


SYN because of, in the wake of, in the aftermath of, on account of
8 PREP 过了(某地)以后 If you tell someone that one place is a particular distance after another, you mean that it is situated beyond the other place and further away from you. 过了(某地)以后
  • A few kilometres after the village, turn right to Montelabate.


9 PREP (写)在后面(或下面) If one thing is written after another thing on a page, it is written following it or underneath it. (写)在后面(或下面)
  • I wrote my name after Penny's.


10 PREP (重要性)仅次于,低于 You use after in order to give the most important aspect of something when comparing it with another aspect. (重要性)仅次于,低于
  • After Germany, America is Britain's second-biggest customer.


  • Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.


SYN apart from, barring, excepting, next to
11 PREP 依照,按照(某人的名字命名) To be named after someone means to be given the same name as them. 依照,按照(某人的名字命名) [British]
  • Phillimore Island is named after Sir Robert Phillimore.


  • He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.


SYN with the same name as, in the name of, in honour of, the same as
in AM, use 美国英语用 for
12 CONVENTION (走路或出入门口时的礼貌用语)您先请 If you say 'after you' to someone, you are being polite and allowing them to go in front of you or through a doorway before you do. (走路或出入门口时的礼貌用语)您先请 [politeness]
  • 'After you.' — 'Not at all, Mr Bird, after you.'


13 PREP 点)过(分) After is used when telling the time. If it is, for example, ten after six, the time is ten minutes past six. 点)过(分) [US]
14 after all→see: all 
Usage Note :
  • You use after, afterwards, and later to talk about things that happen following the time when you are speaking, or following a particular event. Expressions such as 'not long' and 'shortly' can also be used with after. After dinner she spoke to him... I returned to England after visiting India... Shortly after, she called me. Afterwards can be used when you do not need to mention the particular time or event. Afterwards we went to a night club. You can also use words such as 'soon' and 'shortly' with afterwards. Soon afterwards, he came to the clinic. You can use later to refer to a time or situation that follows the time when you are speaking. I'll go and see her later. 'A little', 'much', and 'not much' can also be used with later. A little later, the lights went out... I learned all this much later. You can use after, afterwards, or later following a phrase that mentions a period of time, in order to say when something happens. five years after his death ... She wrote about it six years afterwards ... Ten minutes later he left the house.

    after, afterwardslater都用于谈论晚于说话时间或某事之后发生的事情。not longshortly等表达方式也可与after连用。例如:After dinner she spoke to him(饭后她对他说话了),I returned to England after visiting India(印度之行结束后我回到了英格兰),Shortly after, she called me(之后不久,她给我打了电话)。无需提及具体时间或事件时,可用afterwardsAfterwards we went to a night club(后来我们去了一家夜总会)。afterwards也可与soonshortly等词连用:Soon afterwards, he came to the clinic(过了不久,他来到了诊所)。later可用于指说话时间之后的时间或情况。例如,I'll go and see her later(我过阵子会去看她)。a little, muchnot much也可与later连用。例如,A little later, the lights went out(过了一会儿,灯灭了),I learned all this much later(很久以后我才得知了这一切)。after, afterwardslater可用于表示一段时间的短语后面,指某事发生的时间:five years after his death(他去世5年之后),She wrote about it six years afterwards6年之后她撰文谈起了此事),Ten minutes later he left the house10分钟之后他离开了那座房子)。

15 PHRASE 一个接一个地;接连地 If you do something to several things one after the other or one after another, you do it to one, then the next, and so on, with no break between your actions. 一个接一个地;接连地
  • Sybil ate three biscuits, one after the other.


  • Caroline was trying on one outfit after another.


16 PHRASE 日复一日/年复一年 If something happens day after day or year after year, it happens every day or every year, for a long time. 日复一日/年复一年
  • I waited for news, day after day, expecting to hear.


  • ...people who'd been coming here year after year.


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