

单词 company
kʌmpəni ˈkʌmpəni
Word forms: plural companies
1 N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 公司 A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. 公司
  • Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.


  • ...the Ford Motor Company.


SYN business, firm, association, corporation
2 N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 剧团;歌舞团 A company is a group of opera singers, dancers, or actors who work together. 剧团;歌舞团
  • ...the Phoenix Dance Company.


3 N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES A company is a group of soldiers that is usually part of a battalion or regiment, and that is divided into two or more platoons.
  • The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.


  • C Company's sentries were just ahead.


SYN troop, unit, squad, team
4 N-UNCOUNT 陪伴;陪同 Company is having another person or other people with you, usually when this is pleasant or stops you feeling lonely. 陪伴;陪同
  • 'I won't stay long.' — 'No, please. I need the company'.


  • Ross had always enjoyed the company of women. [+ of]


  • She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.


  • I'm not in the mood for company.


SYN companionship, society [old-fashioned] , presence, fellowship
5 See also: joint-stock company  public company 
6 PHRASE [n-proper PHR] (用于某人的名字之后表示)及其同伴,一伙 You can say and company after mentioning a person's name, to refer also to the people who are associated with that person. (用于某人的名字之后表示)及其同伴,一伙 [informal]
  • Keegan and company approached the game with understandable caution.


7 PHRASE (不必为错误自责,因为)大人物们也犯过同样的错 If you say that someone is in good company, you mean that they should not be ashamed of a mistake or opinion, because some important or respected people have made the same mistake or have the same opinion. (不必为错误自责,因为)大人物们也犯过同样的错
  • Mr Koo is in good company. The prime minister made a similar slip a couple of years back.


8 PHRASE 有客人(或朋友) If you have company, you have a visitor or friend with you. 有客人(或朋友)
  • He didn't say he had had company.


9 PHRASE (与别人)在一起 When you are in company, you are with a person or group of people. (与别人)在一起
  • When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation.


  • I feel awkward and shy in company.


10 PREP-PHRASE 有同样的想法(或感觉、认识) If you feel, believe, or know something in company with someone else, you both feel, believe, or know it. 有同样的想法(或感觉、认识) [formal]
  • Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.


11 PHRASE 陪伴;做伴 If you keep someone company, you spend time with them and stop them feeling lonely or bored. 陪伴;做伴
  • Why don't you stay here and keep Emma company?


12 PHRASE 交朋友;为伍 If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them. 交朋友;为伍
  • He keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters.


13 PHR-RECIP 分手;分离 If two or more people part company, they go in different directions after going in the same direction together. 分手;分离 [written] [Also + with] [written] [Also + with] [written] [Also + with]
  • The three of them parted company at the bus stop.


14 PHR-RECIP (通常因有分歧)断绝关系 If you part company with someone, you end your association with them, often because of a disagreement. (通常因有分歧)断绝关系
  • The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer.


  • We have agreed to part company after differences of opinion.


15 PHRASE 有分歧 If you part company with someone on a particular subject, you disagree with them on it. 有分歧
  • Where I part company with him, however, is over the link he forges between science and liberalism.


16 PHRASE [PHRASE with cl] 在座诸位除外. If you are making a general, unfavourable comment about a particular type of person, and you are with people of that type, you can say 'present company excepted' as a way of making your comment sound more polite. 在座诸位除外. [spoken, politeness]
Every man is like the company he is wont to keep Euripides Phoenix
A wise man may look ridiculous in the company of fools Thomas Fuller Gnomologia
Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse company with:

foreign company, parent company 1


buy/own/sell/start a company, company employs, company makes 1

have company, keep company, part company 4 8

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