

单词 wit
wɪt wɪt wɪt
Word forms: plural wits
1 N-UNCOUNT (说话的)风趣,机智,巧妙 Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. (说话的)风趣,机智,巧妙
  • Boulding was known for his biting wit.


  • They love her practical attitude to life, her zest and wit.


SYN humour, fun, quips, banter
2 N-COUNT 风趣的人;机智的人 If you describe someone as a wit, you mean that they have the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. 风趣的人;机智的人
  • Holmes was gregarious, a great wit, a man of wide interests.


3 N-SING 头脑;智慧 If you say that someone has the wit to do something, you mean that they have the intelligence and understanding to make the right decision or take the right action in a particular situation. 头脑;智慧
  • The information is there and waiting to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it.


SYN cleverness, mind, reason, understanding
4 N-PLURAL [usually poss NOUN] 机智 You can refer to your ability to think quickly and cleverly in a difficult situation as your wits . 机智
  • She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today.


5 N-PLURAL 吓得魂不附体 You can use wits in expressions such as frighten someone out of their wits and scare the wits out of someone to emphasize that a person or thing worries or frightens someone very much. 吓得魂不附体 [emphasis]
  • You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.


  • ...a huge bass drum which frightened the wits out of the organist each time it was banged.


6 PHRASE 时刻保持警惕;随机应变 If you have your wits about you or keep your wits about you, you are alert and ready to act in a difficult situation. 时刻保持警惕;随机应变
  • Travellers need to keep their wits about them.


7 PHRASE 智穷才尽;黔驴技穷;无计可施 If you say that you are at your wits' end, you are emphasizing that you are so worried and exhausted by problems or difficulties that you do not know what to do next. 智穷才尽;黔驴技穷;无计可施 [emphasis]
  • We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I'm at my wit's end.


8 PHRASE 斗智;比学问 If you pit your wits against someone, you compete against them in a test of knowledge or intelligence. 斗智;比学问
  • He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.


9 PHRASE (用于更准确地描述)亦即,也就是 To wit is used to indicate that you are about to state or describe something more precisely. (用于更准确地描述)亦即,也就是 [literary]
  • He'd like 'happiness' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit 'Major affective disorder, pleasant type'.


10 battle of wits→see: battle 
True wit is nature to advantage dress'd,
What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed
Alexander Pope An Essay on Criticism
Brevity is the soul of wit William Shakespeare Hamlet
Next to being witty yourself, the best thing is being able to quote another's wit Christian N. Bovee
Wit is the epitaph of an emotion Friedrich Nietzsche Menschliches, Allzumenschliches
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