

单词 memory
meməri ˈmɛməri ˈmɛmri
Word forms: plural memories
1 N-VAR [oft poss NOUN] 记忆力;记性 Your memory is your ability to remember things. 记忆力;记性
  • All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory.


  • He'd a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn't seen her before. [+ for]


  • But locals with long memories thought this was fair revenge for the injustice of 1961.


  • Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention.


SYN recall, mind, retention, ability to remember
2 N-COUNT 记忆;记忆中的事物;回忆 A memory is something that you remember from the past. 记忆;记忆中的事物;回忆
  • She cannot bear to watch the film because of the bad memories it brings back.


  • Her earliest memory is of singing at the age of four to wounded soldiers.


  • He had happy memories of his father. [+ of]


SYN recollection, reminder, reminiscence, impression
3 N-COUNT 存储器;内存 A computer's memory is the part of the computer where information is stored, especially for a short time before it is transferred to disks or magnetic tapes. 存储器;内存 [computing]
  • The data are stored in the computer's memory.


SYN hard disk, cache
4 N-SING [usually with poss, oft in N of n] (对死者的)怀念,记忆 If you talk about the memory of someone who has died, especially someone who was loved or respected, you are referring to the thoughts, actions, and ceremonies by which they are remembered. (对死者的)怀念,记忆
  • She remained devoted to his memory.


  • The congress opened with a minute's silence in memory of those who died in the struggle.


SYN commemoration, respect, honour, recognition
5 PHRASE 凭记忆(诵诗、奏曲等) If you do something from memory, for example speak the words of a poem or play a piece of music, you do it without looking at it, because you know it very well. 凭记忆(诵诗、奏曲等)
  • Many members of the church sang from memory.


  • Children write down the word, cover it up and then try to spell it from memory.


6 PHRASE 在人们的记忆中(最的事情) If you say that something is, for example, the best, worst, or first thing of its kind in living memory, you are emphasizing that it is the only thing of that kind that people can remember. 在人们的记忆中(最的事情) [emphasis]
  • The floods are the worst in living memory.


  • No-one in living memory has come back from that place alive.


7 PHRASE 失去记忆力;失忆 If you lose your memory, you forget things that you used to know. 失去记忆力;失忆
  • His illness caused him to lose his memory.


8 to commit something to memory→see: commit 
The man with a good memory remembers nothing because he forgets nothing Augusto Roa Bastos I The Supreme
The charm, one might say the genius of memory, is that it is choosy, chancy, and temperamental: it rejects the edifying cathedral and indelibly photographs the small boy outside, chewing a hunk of melon in the dust Elizabeth Bowen
Our memories are card-indexes consulted, and then put back in disorder by authorities whom we do not control Cyril Connolly The Unquiet Grave
We find a little of everything in our memory; it is a sort of pharmacy, a sort of chemical laboratory, in which our groping hand may come to rest, now on a sedative drug, now on a dangerous poison Marcel Proust Remembrance of Things Past
Word PartnershipWord Link
Word PartnershipUse memory with:

collective memory, conscious memory, failing memory, fresh in your memory, long-/short-term memory, poor memory, in recent memory 1

bad memory, good memory 1 2

happy memory, painful memory, sad memory, vivid memory 2


computer memory, random access memory, memory storage 3

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