

单词 what
hwɒt hwɒt hwɒt wət hwʌt hwɑt wʌt wɑt
Usually pronounced /wɒt/ for meanings 2, 4, 5 and 18. 义项2, 4, 518在句中通常不作重读。
1 QUEST (用于疑问句中询问所不知道的信息)什么 You use what in questions when you ask for specific information about something that you do not know. (用于疑问句中询问所不知道的信息)什么
  • What do you want?.


  • What did she tell you, anyway?.


  • 'Has something happened?' — 'Indeed it has.' — 'What?'.


  • What are the greatest sources of conflict in the Middle East?.


  • Hey! What are you doing?


What is also a determiner.
  • What time is it?.


  • What crimes are the defendants being charged with?.


  • 'The heater works.'—'What heater?'.


  • What kind of poetry does he like?


2 CONJ-SUBORD (尤用于动词和形容词后以引导关系从句) You use what after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, when you are referring to a situation that is unknown or has not been specified. (尤用于动词和形容词后以引导关系从句)
  • You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour.


  • I want to know what happened to Norman.


  • Do you know what those idiots have done?.


  • We had never seen anything like it before and could not see what to do next.


  • She turned scarlet from embarrassment, once she realized what she had done.


What is also a determiner.
  • I didn't know what college I wanted to go to.


  • I didn't know what else to say.


  • ...an inspection to ascertain to what extent colleges are responding to the needs of industry.


3 CONJ-SUBORD (用在强调句型的句首)(…) You use what at the beginning of a clause in structures where you are changing the order of the information to give special emphasis to something. (用在强调句型的句首)(…) [emphasis]
  • What precisely triggered off yesterday's riot is still unclear.


  • What I wanted, more than anything, was a few days' rest.


  • What she does possess is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.


4 CONJ-SUBORD 那样的(事物) You use what in expressions such as what is called and what amounts to when you are giving a description of something. 那样的(事物)
  • She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years.


  • Meanwhile, most young people in the West are expected to leave what could be life's most momentous decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck.


5 CONJ-SUBORD (用于指全部的量)所有的 You use what to indicate that you are talking about the whole of an amount that is available to you. (用于指全部的量)所有的
  • He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water.


  • He moved carefully over what remained of partition walls.


What is also a determiner.
  • They had had to use what money they had.


6 CONVENTION (表示已经听到对方的话,并请其继续说)什么事 You say 'What?' to tell someone who has indicated that they want to speak to you that you have heard them and are inviting them to continue. (表示已经听到对方的话,并请其继续说)什么事 [spoken, formulae]
  • 'Dad?' — 'What?' — 'Can I have the car tonight?'


7 CONVENTION (用于没有听清或听懂时,请求他人再重复一遍刚说的话;不如 pardonexcuse me 等正式和礼貌)什么 You say 'What?' when you ask someone to repeat the thing that they have just said because you did not hear or understand it properly. 'What?' is more informal and less polite than expressions such as 'Pardon?' and 'Excuse me?'. (用于没有听清或听懂时,请求他人再重复一遍刚说的话;不如 pardonexcuse me 等正式和礼貌)什么 [spoken, formulae]
  • 'They could paint this place,' she said. 'What?' he asked.


8 CONVENTION (用于表示惊讶)什么,真的吗 You say 'What' to express surprise. (用于表示惊讶)什么,真的吗 [feelings]
  • 'Adolphus Kelling, I arrest you on a charge of trafficking in narcotics.'—'What?'


  • 'We've got the car that killed Myra Moss.' — 'What!'


9 PREDET (用在感叹句中强调某种意见或反应)多么 You use what in exclamations to emphasize an opinion or reaction. (用在感叹句中强调某种意见或反应)多么 [emphasis]
  • What a horrible thing to do.


  • What a busy day.


What is also a determiner.
  • What ugly things; throw them away, throw them away.


  • What great news, Jakki.


10 ADV [ADVERB n] (用于猜测时)嗯,哦 You use what to indicate that you are making a guess about something such as an amount or value. (用于猜测时)嗯,哦
  • It's, what, eleven years or more since he's seen him.


  • This piece is, what, about a half an hour long?


Usage Note :
  • You use an expression with what and like to ask questions about the appearance or character of someone or something. You do not use how. For example, if you ask 'How is Susan?', you are asking about her health. If you want to know about her appearance, you ask 'What does Susan look like?' If you want to know about her personality, you ask 'What is Susan like?'

    可用 what like来对某人或某物的外表或特点进行提问,而不用how。例如,如果说 how is Susan (苏珊好吗), 是在询问她的健康状况。如果想问她的外貌,用 what does Susan look like (苏珊长得怎么样);如果想问她的个性,则用 what is Susan like (苏珊是个什么样的人)

11 CONVENTION 你猜怎么着,你知道吗(表示接下来的信息令人惊讶,很少有人知道或者需要强调 ) You say guess what or do you know what to introduce a piece of information which is surprising, which is not generally known, or which you want to emphasize. 你猜怎么着,你知道吗(表示接下来的信息令人惊讶,很少有人知道或者需要强调 )
  • Guess what? I'm going to dinner at Mrs. Combley's tonight.


  • Do you know what? I'm going to the circus this afternoon.


12 PHRASE (用于疑问句后,表示语气强烈地陈述观点,并希望他人赞同)难道不是吗,是不是啊 In conversation, you say or what? after a question as a way of stating an opinion forcefully and showing that you expect other people to agree. (用于疑问句后,表示语气强烈地陈述观点,并希望他人赞同)难道不是吗,是不是啊 [emphasis]
  • Look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?.


  • Am I wasting my time here, or what?


13 CONVENTION (用来暗指之前的话不重要、无趣或与己无关)那又怎样,那又如何 You say so what? or what of it? to indicate that the previous remark seems unimportant, uninteresting, or irrelevant to you. (用来暗指之前的话不重要、无趣或与己无关)那又怎样,那又如何 [feelings]
  • 'I skipped off school today,' — 'So what? What's so special about that?'.


  • 'This is Hollywood, U.S.A., where they make all the movies, remember.' — 'What of it?'.


  • 'You're talking to yourself.' — 'Well, what of it?'


14 PHRASE (用于提出建议)我有个主意,你听我说 You say 'Tell you what' to introduce a suggestion or offer. (用于提出建议)我有个主意,你听我说
  • Tell you what, let's stay here another day.


15 PHRASE (用于问句句首,表示提出建议或请求)…怎么样 You use what about at the beginning of a question when you make a suggestion, offer, or request. (用于问句句首,表示提出建议或请求)…怎么样
  • What about going out with me tomorrow?.


  • 'What about Sunday evening at Frank's?' — 'Sure. What time?'.


  • What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me?


16 PHRASE (用于引出与之前内容相关的新的话题或观点)那么怎么样 You use what about or what of when you introduce a new topic or a point which seems relevant to a previous remark. (用于引出与之前内容相关的新的话题或观点)那么怎么样
  • Now you've talked about work on daffodils, what about other commercially important flowers, like roses?.


  • And what about when you were in the fifth year, did people give you careers advice on coming to college?.


  • And what of the effect on U.S domestic opinion?.


  • 'I don't like being in the house on my own.' — 'What about at night? Do you mind being by yourself at night?'


17 PHRASE (用于请某人解释原因)…怎么了 You say what about a particular person or thing when you ask someone to explain why they have asked you about that person or thing. (用于请某人解释原因)…怎么了
  • 'This thing with the Corbett woman.'—'Oh, yeah. What about her?'


18 PHRASE 诸如此类;等等 You say what have you at the end of a list in order to refer generally to other things of the same kind. 诸如此类;等等 [vagueness]
  • So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you.


  • My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you.


19 PHRASE (用于疑问句句首,尤用于询问不希望看到的事发生时的结果)如果怎么办 You say what if at the beginning of a question when you ask about the consequences of something happening, especially something undesirable. (用于疑问句句首,尤用于询问不希望看到的事发生时的结果)如果怎么办
  • What if this doesn't work out?.


  • What if he was going to die!.


  • What if relations between you and your neighbour have reached deadlock, and their behaviour is still unacceptable?


20 PHRASE 重要的事情 If you know what's what, you know the important things that need to be known about a situation. 重要的事情
  • You have to know what's what and when to draw the line.


  • You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.


21 PREP-PHRASE (尤指不想看到的情况的发生)由于,因为 You say what with in order to introduce the reasons for a particular situation, especially an undesirable one. (尤指不想看到的情况的发生)由于,因为
  • Maybe they are tired, what with all the sleep they're losing staying up night after night.


  • What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury.


22 CONVENTION (表示不相信或不能接受某人刚说的话,或没有听清或完全理解)你说什么? People say 'you what?' to indicate that they do not believe or accept the remark that someone has just made, or that they have not heard or understood it properly. (表示不相信或不能接受某人刚说的话,或没有听清或完全理解)你说什么? [informal, spoken, formulae]
  • 'I'm going to have problems sleeping tonight.' — 'You what?'.


  • 'What are you doing here?' — 'Oh I work here now.' — 'You what?'


23 what's more→see: more 
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