

单词 war
wɔːʳ wɑr wɔr
Word forms: plural wars
1 N-VAR 战争 A war is a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states. 战争
  • He spent part of the war in the National Guard.


  • ...matters of war and peace.


  • They've been at war for the last fifteen years.


SYN conflict, drive, attack, fighting
2 N-VAR (国家或组织之间的)经济竞争 War is intense economic competition between countries or organizations. (国家或组织之间的)经济竞争
  • The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.


3 N-VAR 宣战;斗争 If you make war on someone or something that you are opposed to, you do things to stop them succeeding. 宣战;斗争
  • She has been involved in the war against organised crime. [+ against]


  • ...if the United States is to be successful in its war on drugs. [+ on]


4 See also: warring  civil war  Cold War  council of war 
5 PHRASE [VERB inflects] (在打架或事故中)受伤 If someone has been in the wars, they have been injured, for example in a fight or in an accident. (在打架或事故中)受伤 [informal]
  • Ben has also been in the wars. He is still in plaster after breaking a leg.


6 PHRASE 开战;打仗 If a country goes to war, it starts fighting a war. 开战;打仗
  • Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?


7 PHRASE 论战;口水战 If two people, countries, or organizations have a war of words, they criticize each other because they strongly disagree about something. 论战;口水战 [journalism] [Also + between]
  • Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation's zoos. [+ with]


8 to lose the battle but win the war→see: battle 
War is nothing but the continuation of politics by other means Karl von Clausewitz On War
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed Mao Zedong On Protracted War
There was never a good war, or a bad peace Benjamin Franklin
War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading Thomas Hardy The Dynasts
He that makes a good war makes a good peace George Herbert Outlandish Proverbs
O I know they make war because they want peace; they hate so that they may live; and they destroy the present to make the world safe for the future. When have they not done and said they did it for that? Elizabeth Smart Necessary Secrets
For what can war but endless war still breed? John Milton Sonnet, On the Lord General Fairfax
Above all, this book is not concerned with Poetry,
The subject of it is War, and the Pity of War.
The Poetry is in the Pity
Wilfred Owen Poems (preface)
As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular Oscar Wilde The Critic as Artist
In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers Neville Chamberlain
War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men Georges Clemenceau
War is like love, it always finds a way Bertolt Brecht Mother Courage and Her Children
It is easier to make war than to make peace Georges Clemenceau
During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man Thomas Hobbes Leviathan
History is littered with the wars which everybody knew would never happen Enoch Powell speech to the Conservative Party Conference
Let slip the dogs of war William Shakespeare Julius Caesar
War is the trade of kings John Dryden King Arthur
The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it George Orwell Shooting an Elephant
Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come Carl Sandburg `The People, Yes'
Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed Constitution of UNESCO
The next war will be fought with atom bombs and the one after that with spears Harold Urey
A bayonet is a weapon with a worker at each end pacifist slogan
Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity anti-war graffiti
War will cease when men refuse to fight pacifist slogan
After each war there is a little less democracy to save Brooks Atkinson Once Around the Sun
What if someone gave a war and Nobody came?
Life would ring the bells of Ecstasy and Forever be Itself again
Allen Ginsberg The Fall of America
In the fall the war was always there but we did not go to it any more Ernest Hemingway Men Without Women
The Falklands thing was a fight between two bald men over a comb Jorge Luis Borges
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