1 PHRASAL VERB (通常为表示愤怒或厌烦而从会议、演出等)退席,退场 If you walk out of a meeting, a performance, or an unpleasant situation, you leave it suddenly, usually in order to show that you are angry or bored. (通常为表示愤怒或厌烦而从会议、演出等)退席,退场
SYN leave suddenly, storm out, get up and go, flounce out
2 PHRASAL VERB 突然离开,抛弃(家庭或伴侣);出走 If someone walks out on their family or their partner, they leave them suddenly and go to live somewhere else. 突然离开,抛弃(家庭或伴侣);出走
3 PHRASAL VERB 罢工 If workers walk out, they stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves. 罢工
Nationwide industrial action began earlier this week, when staff at most banks walked out. [VERB PREP.]
SYN go on strike, strike, revolt, mutiny