1 ADJ-GRADED 谨慎的;慎重的;小心的 Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger. 谨慎的;慎重的;小心的
cautiously -
David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge.
Cautiously, he moved himself into an upright position.
2 ADJ-GRADED (态度或反应)谨慎的,小心的 If you describe someone's attitude or reaction as cautious, you mean that it is limited or careful. (态度或反应)谨慎的,小心的
SYN careful, guarded, alert, wary
cautiously -
I am cautiously optimistic that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment.
Rebel sources have so far reacted cautiously to the threat.
Thesaurus | cautious Also look up: |
ADJ. | alert, careful, guarded, watchful; (ant.) careless, rash, reckless 1 |
Word Link | caut ≈ taking care : caution, cautious, precaution |
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