1 N-SING [with poss] 出席;到场 Someone's presence in a place is the fact that they are there. 出席;到场
SYN being, existence, company, residence
2 N-UNCOUNT 风度;风采;仪态 If you say that someone has presence, you mean that they impress people by their appearance and manner. 风度;风采;仪态 [approval]
They do not seem to have the vast, authoritative presence of those great men.
Hendrix's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels.
SYN personality, bearing, appearance, aspect
3 N-COUNT 鬼怪;幽灵 A presence is a person or creature that you cannot see, but that you are aware of. 鬼怪;幽灵 [literary]
The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.
She started to be affected by the ghostly presence she could feel in the house.
SYN spirit, ghost, manifestation, spectre
4 N-SING (军队的)驻扎,进驻,存在 If a country has a military presence in another country, it has some of its armed forces there. (军队的)驻扎,进驻,存在
5 N-UNCOUNT [with poss] 存在;被包含 If you refer to the presence of a substance in another thing, you mean that it is in that thing. 存在;被包含
The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid. [+ of]
...the presence of a carcinogen in the water.
Although the fluid presents no symptoms to the patient, its presence can be detected by a test.
SYN proximity, closeness, vicinity, nearness
6 PHRASE [make inflects] 引起注意;使得到关注 If you make your presence felt, you do something which makes people notice you or pay attention to you. 引起注意;使得到关注
Rather than politely lobbying politicians, Gay Dignity will be making its presence felt through demonstrations.
7 PHRASE 当着…的面;在…面前 If you are in someone's presence, you are in the same place as that person, and are close enough to them to be seen or heard. 当着…的面;在…面前
8 PHRASE [usually PHRASE after verb] 镇定自若;沉着冷静 If you say that someone had the presence of mind to do something, you approve of them because they were able to think and act calmly in a difficult situation. 镇定自若;沉着冷静 [approval]
SYN level-headedness, assurance, composure, poise
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